Hi all! It has been awhile Since I've looked to recruit individuals, and this post is going to be done in a bit of haste. As of this evening I have an open seat for our 2130 CST 4E Game in a custom setting. We are running here in a few with what we have, but you are welcome to join our Raidcall and listen in 6241094 I also have a seat open for my Tuesday session running at the same time. As always we welcome other DM's/GM's/Whatever you like to call yourself to join us regardless of system! If you have questions feel free to post them (though do not get upset if I don't respond, the notification system for roll20 still has things get buried) or email me at <a href="mailto:theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com</a>! As always, have an awesome time!