I would like to suggest/request a timer feature to be added to the tools on the side. I picture it as a small digital clock interface with two modes, a stop watch or a countdown timer. The option could exist for it to be toggled to the GM Layer or the Map Layer (so that the players can see but not interact with it). However the same GM-only effect can be done by opening another window with a timer in it, the important issue to address is that the players can all share and see the same timer. It can be used for dramatic effects, having only a short time to accomplish a task. Or it can be used to keep a running tally of how long a task has taken, with different outcomes depending on the completion time. I know that I would use it in every game to keep the initiative order running smoothly, giving each player an allotted amount of time before his/her turn is shifted in the initiative. If this is posted in the wrong spot, please point me in the right direction. Thank you!