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Movement / Ranged Attack Range Display

Maybe there's already a decent way to do this, but I thought it'd be neat to have the option of a colored highlight that shows up only when a character is selected, which displays the spaces he could potentially move to or (for games that don't use a grid) a radius of movement. I've managed to to a degree with manually setting auras when the question arose, but an automated solution would be preferable. Basically I'm looking for something that kind of works like in games like Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics--when you select a character, you can see how far they can potentially move. Not sure how difficult this is--from my understanding for a lot of systems you might need to actually be able to predict all legal paths from place to place for this to be useful, which I'd imagine is how it works in the aforementioned Fire Emblem and such. At base, though, what I'm looking for is something where I can just say, "when I click on this character, highlight all spaces within X of that character," with X being able to be determined by the GM in game settings. The aura would remain in place as the character token was moved, not updating until it was set down (so you could make sure you were setting the token within the aura). As a side benefit, it would be cool to do this for ranged attacks, as well. Many systems have "range bands," and maybe an option could be added to display those as colored auras through a menu option or such for a selected character, rather than having to use the ruler function. It'd be a nice at-a-glance thing that would instantly show what targets would cause a penalty and such, rather than having to drag the ruler to each target.

Edited 1416504434
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Some interim API related thoughts: There is a script that does range bands here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... It's a command to toggle and uses the auras of the token to show them. It could probably be modified to create a hidden token under the selected token and use it's auras instead. There isn't a way in the API to get an event for a player selecting a token, but I could write a script that would create a hidden token under the token who's turn it is with an aura of a radius based on the current token. It wouldn't move when the token is moved, allowing you to see where it should go.
Those definitely sound like good interim solutions, and I'll look into that range band script. I'd still like to see official support for this, though.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Yeah, I think it's a good suggestion. I just wanted to help smooth the rough courners you might be hitting currently. =D
Marketplace Creator
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