I really love how character sheets can now include calculated attributes (like Strength Modifiers and such), but it might be cool to have the ability to do that without implementing character sheets themselves in a game (assuming this isn't already possible and I've just missed it--I'm not all that good with tech). This would let you either just set up a small few attributes that aren't worth setting up a true sheet for, set up additional attributes you think would be helpful while using a community sheet for other stuff, or set up attributes for games with wildly varying character sheets that can't yet use the true sheet system, and still be able to use the nice calculation features. For example...your mileage may vary on this...it might be cool to set up a calculated attribute that takes into account a character's default attack bonus, magic weapon bonus, and some attributes that are set for conditional (but lasting) modifiers like being weakened or blessed. Then, attack abilities could reference the calculated value rather than having to reference all the separate values, automatically adjusting as the GM or player adjusted attributes as the game went on. It may be that there's already away to do something like this, in which case I do apologize for being a moron. :-P This would also be helpful in connection with my Quick Reference Tooltip suggestion.