i am making a blank campaign as a base for future games, inside this blank campaign will be the following: 1.) character sheets for every monster in the MM. with tokens and generic macros. 2.) handouts linking to other handouts, forming a master spell book with full descriptions copied from PHB (edited to correct copying errors) 3.) Handouts (only GM can see) linking to other handouts, forming a master treasure table list, copied from the DMG. 4.) Handouts linking to other handouts, forming a master list of abilities, feats, and other class options to include: class/race/background features, ect. i would like to know if i fully reproduce the PHB. MM, and DMG in Roll 20, can i be banned or sued? and if you have any other ideas let me know please. one question tho.... is there a way to reference a handout inside a macro? be nice to have a "Misc" macro listing all the spells the NPC has with a link to the handout page with the spells descriptions.