I'm in the middle of making an inventory hand out system for my group that both myself and the PC's can interact with. I have come up with a hand out system that I am yet to implement into a game. it looks a little like this. (the dashes are there because you cant copy an empty cell into the hand outs, you can remove them after you have pasted in however I left in to show how it is made in excel or open office)
10 X STR
20 X STR
Heavy / Max.
50 X STR
Slot / Packed Where
Weight (x1)
Coin Purse
[Coin Purse]
Back Pack
[Alchemy Book]
Back Pack
[Ritual Book]
Back Pack
[Spell Book]
Back Pack
[Prayer Book]
Chain Mail
40 lbs.
40 lbs.
(3) Dagger
1 lbs.
3 lbs.
Back Pack
(10) Trail Rations
1 lbs.
1 lbs.
Total Weight
Riding Horse – Donny
Cart / Wagon
Deeds etc.
You can see the first few slots are a coin purse and some books. The books will link to a separate hand out which gives the player a list of Alchemy potions if you click on Alchemy, rituals if you click on rituals and spells and prayers if you click on spells and prayers. Below that the player has listed a few items, their weights and where they have packed the item or if they are currently wearing it. You can write "Head slot" in the "slot / packed where" if the item is a head slot or "neck slot" if it is a neck slot etc. The Listed items linked with the brackets will link to hand outs for Alchemy, spells rituals etc as well as coins. a sample of which is below.
Coin Purse
[0] AD
1/500 lbs.
[0] PP
1/50 lbs.
[0] GP
1/50 lbs.
[0] SP
1/50 lbs.
[0] CP
1/50 lbs.
[0] Amber
1/500 lbs.
[0] Amethyst
1/500 lbs.
[0] Garnet
1/500 lbs.
[0] Moonstone
1/500 lbs.
[0] Jade
1/500 lbs.
[0] Pearl
1/500 lbs.
[0] Peridor
1/500 lbs.
[0] Turquoise
1/500 lbs.
[0] Alexandrite
1/500 lbs.
[0] Aquamariene
1/500 lbs.
[0] Place Pearl
1/500 lbs.
1/500 lbs.
1000 GP
[0] Emerald
1/500 lbs.
[0] Fire Opal
1/500 lbs.
[0] Sapphire
1/500 lbs.
5000 GP
[0] Diamond
1/500 lbs.
[0] Jacinth
1/500 lbs.
[0] Ruby
1/500 lbs.
Something similar will go with mounts, transport, holdings, banked and anything else that needs to be added in the future. This is very much an Alpha build of this and an update will be given in the future with all the Separate hand outs that are needed to go into this system. I'm posing it here now because I'd Like some feed back to see if there is anything I can do to make it look nicer or prettier in the long run. Thanks for reading, I'd love some feedback. -Papercutt.