Currently, Roll20 allows for display of "conditions" using a nice variety of images, and in theory it is possible to insert condition yes/no fields as character attributes or character sheet items--but it would be nice to see more formal support for this. I propose the following: The ability to define that certain conditions = certain symbols in game settings, so that when a symbol is set on a person, a condition trait is also automatically set. The ability to set conditions by name instead of by symbol and have the symbol appear. Some means of defining effects for a condition that can be applied to a character (this might already be possible)--most likely allowing the use of IF/THEN statements to say, for instance, that IF the WEAKENED field is set to Yes (or 1, if that's cleaner), THEN the WeaknessPenalty field is set to -4. Then attacks, etc. can call the WeaknessPenalty field to automatically account for the penalty. Perhaps formal integration with the new timer mechanic that's been added to the tracker--maybe when a condition is set, there's an option to automatically add an item to the tracker for it that counts down to 0 and removes itself and the condition when it hits 0.