Hi all, first off thanks for all the hard work those who speak java-ese have put into making awesome labour saving and campaign enhancing scripts. I'm relatively new to the site but already have upgraded my membership in order to try and build a campaign of epic proportions for my group of old D&Dites. After reading practically everything and trying out a fair few things to boot i'm still having problems with a couple of scripts not working right, most certainly user error rather than coder error and i truly apologise if i'm missing something obvious, i promise i have scoured the forums for my solution, read every post in the scripts thread and tried and tested a few logical ways to fix my problem. However, no joy for me and so i appeal to those out there who use these scripts happily on a daily basis to take a few minutes to condescendingly put me on the right path... feel free to patronise me too if you like, as long as it makes things work ;) Currently i'm having issues with the following: Cone and Circle Templates - Works great but for the life of me i can't figure out how to define the angle for the cones, its either straight up or approx 135 degrees when using !cone angle 15etc. I've tried a few things to define the angle but nothing yields a result. Bet it's obvious but please help! Movement Tracker and Aura Highlighter - this one i simply can't get to work at all, i've inputted my DM name (exactly as seen in the chat window, is that right?) and created my pins according to the specifications but nothing i do seems to generate the auras or movement tracking that i so desperately want to see :( Auto Initiative - again assuming complete newbie user error but i simply can't seem to generate rolls that take into account the initiative bonus of the selected tokens. All are tied to character sheets containing a totalised initiative bonus (i'm using the 3.5 D&D character sheet from the campaign options menu for reference). I 'think' its to do with statName but i've tried all permutations i can think of that relate to the total bonus. But no matter what i get no rolls above 20 and regularly gets rolls under the minimum that should be available for a character with +3 to their roll? (ie. 1-3 when 4 should be the min). In all cases i've made sure to get the latest gist rather than the previewed one and have tried literally everything i can think of with my limited knowledge. For reference i am also running the Initiative Highlighter script. Thanks in advance for ANY help at all.