One of my biggest dislikes about Roll20 is that I can't use text based commands to automate some features. As a gm I'd love to see a /target command that allowed me to target a token. I'd also love to see text commands to activate macros on their own. I know that there are ways to do this via the API, but I think that this feature would really make the VTT a better experience for most players. I'd really love to be able to have a macro that targeted my players tokens individually, rolled initiative and sent the score to the tracker. Additionally I'd love to see a feature to add a custom token to the turn tracker with a round calculation attached. As a GM this would allow me to set up a macro like /AddTurn Buff_Name|-1|@{Wizard_Name|CasterLevel} that I could push for my players buffs. If I had a haste macro that added a buff to the turn tracker with a -1 round counter and started with a value that I could link to a variable on a character sheet that would be legit. If I could make one of those for all of my players common buffs I would save probably 10 minutes a session of having to set the individual buffs up.