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Preview Disappeared

Hi, guys-- I'm working on a character sheet for an OVA game (probably unusable as a general one as I'm doing some odd things, like requiring Transformation powers, for this game...and also because I kind of suck at technical stuff :-P). It seemed to be going pretty well, but now my sheet preview has stopped showing up in the character sheet builder. It happened when I tried adding a couple repeating sections--suddenly the preview tab wouldn't show anything anymore, and even removing those sections wouldn't bring it back. What's strange is that the sheet shows up fine in the actual character sheet tab for characters in-game. O_O I'm not sure if I did something wrong (very likely, I have very little actual understanding of HTML), or if a bug showed up. Here's the code I've used so far (I have no CSS yet, so this is just the HTML part--hope I found the right way to post code...): [code] <h2>Name <input type='text' name='attr_Character_Name'/></h2> <br> <br> <h1>Human Form</h1> <div class='sheet-2colrow'> <div class='sheet-col'> <h2>Abilities</h2> Agile <input type='number' name='attr_Agile' value='0'/><br> Armored <input type='number' name='attr_Armored' value='0'/><br> Transformation <input type='number' name='attr_Transformation' value='0'/><br> <b>Total Abilities: <input type='number' name='attr_TotalAbil' value='(@{Agile}+@{Armored}+@{Transformation})' disabled="true"/></b><br> </div> <div class='sheet-col'> <h2>Weaknesses</h2> Absent-Minded <input type='number' name='attr_AbsentMinded' value='0'/><br> Accidental Transformation <input type='number' name='attr_AccidentalTransformation' value='0'/><br> <b>Total Weaknesses: <input type='number' name='attr_TotalWeak' value='(@{AbsentMinded}+@{AccidentalTransformation})' disabled="true"/></b><br> </div> </div> <h3>Total Value: <input type='number' name='attr_TotalVal' value='@{TotalAbil}-@{TotalWeak}' disabled='true'/></h3> <em>For a character to be valid, the "Total Value" must be between -10 and 10.</em><br> <br> <h1>Transformed</h1> <h3>Transformation Points <input type='number' name='attr_TransformPoints' value='(@{Transformation}*2)' disabled='true'/></h3> <div class='sheet-2colrow'> <div class='sheet-col'> <h2>Abilities</h2> Agile <input type='number' name='attr_TAgile' value='0'/><br> Armored <input type='number' name='attr_TArmored' value='0'/><br> <b>Total Abilities: <input type='number' name='attr_TotalTAbil' value='(@{TAgile}+@{TArmored})' disabled="true"/></b><br> </div> <div class='sheet-col'> <h2>Weaknesses</h2> Absent-Minded <input type='number' name='attr_TAbsentMinded' value='0'/><br> Accidental Transformation <input type='number' name='attr_TAccidentalTransformation' value='0'/><br> <b>Total Weaknesses: <input type='number' name='attr_TotalTWeak' value='(@{TAbsentMinded}+@{TAccidentalTransformation})' disabled="true"/></b><br> </div> </div> <h3>Remaining Transformation Points: <input type='number' name='attr_TransformPointsRemain' value='(@{TransformPoints}-(@{TotalTAbil}-@{TotalTWeak}))' disabled='true'/></h3> <em>For the Transformation to be valid, remaining transformation points must be 0.</em><br> <div class='sheet-2colrow'> <div class='sheet-col'> <h2>Gear</h2> <fieldset class='repeating_gear'> Name: <input type='text' name='attr_gear_name'/><br> Abilities: <input type='text' name='attr_gear_abil'/><br> Weaknesses: <input type='text' name='attr_gear_weak'/> </fieldset> </div> <div class='sheet-col'> <h2>Attacks</h2> <fieldset class='repeating_attacks'> Name: <input type='text' name='attr_attack_name'/><br> Perks: <input type='text' name='attr_attack_perks'/><br> Flaws: <input type='text' name='attr_attack_flaws'/><br> Pool: <input type='number' name='attr_attack_pool' value='2'/> Damage: <input type='number' name='attr_attack_dm' value='1'/> </fieldset> </div> </div> [/code]

Edited 1418132980
Urgh...that wasn't the way of posting code I was looking for, but hopefully it's readable...let me know if you need me to repost and if there's a better way to do that. O_O Also of note to anyone who actually knows OVA--the Abilities and Weaknesses sections above are not complete--they're a proof of concept to myself.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
In order to post code on these forums, click the "Formatting" button (left of the "Bold" button) and select "Code". You'll get something like this. As for your problem: It happens, and it's generally not your fault. Save your custom sheet, reload the page, whatever, it'll eventually come back, most likely. I don't know what causes the problem, but I do know that a page load or two generally solves it.

Edited 1418149117 hasn't come back after several page loads and multiple different browsers, but I'll keep trying. EDIT: Aaaaaand, now it's back. O_O Guess it was just that 57th page load that did it! ^_^ Thanks. Glad it wasn't my screwup. Thank you for the note on how to send code...I never thought of that button. O_O I'll keep that in mind if I have to post something else.
For anyone else who has this trouble, I may have just found a quicker way to fix than reloading the page. I just had it happen again, but instead of reloading, I just went and made one small change on my HTML code (putting in a space after a word) and went back to the preview tab, and it showed up again. Not sure if this is reliable, but it seems worth a shot. :-) You can remove the space again once it's working.