Come one, come all to a deadly dungeon crawl! "Once upon a time, there was an idea—an idea formulated by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson in 1974 and published in a little paperback book called Underworld Adventures. The idea was simple: it is a lot of fun to go into a dungeon and kill evil monsters. Why is the dungeon there? No one knows. Why do the monsters usually fight rather than talk? We aren't really sure. Why are there 16 trolls in a cave with a jug of alchemy? No one cares. What do all the monsters eat? We don't know that either (although “adventurer” probably tops the list). And we don't have to know these things. This isn't an ecology experiment, it’s a dungeon—the quintessential setting for pure swords and sorcery adventuring." -from the Introduction of the Rappan Athuk adventure module by Frog God Games Hey folks! I'm looking to put together a group of 4 players to run through a massive dungeon crawl played in the spirit of the Diablo video games... lots of dungeon, little story. I have 21 years of 'GMing' under my belt, but I'm a little rusty on the Pathfinder rules and running games in general, so I want to run a very "crunchy" (as in rules crunch) game in a semi-static environment (the dungeon) to help me get back in the proverbial saddle again. I'm going to go against my normal style of rules-lite play and play this one "by the book" (or fairly close), however, The Greater Fun is always the priority. I want to play this game more like Chess meets RPG (treating it more like a strategy game on both the Player's and Character's part, so there might be more "meta-gaming" than I would normally allow), but with the attitude of the Munchkin card game (very silly for those who don't know). I am looking for the players in this game to play their characters as more of a "game piece" than a fully realized and fleshed out "role". That doesn't mean absolutely no role-playing. That really depends on the group of players and how well everyone interacts. There will be a few RP opportunities (one of which involves an entire goblin city... IF you live that long), and I have incorporated a few small "side locations" (CAMP and TOWN) where you can at least interact with some NPCs NOT trying to kill/eat you. This adventure is combat heavy and the dungeon is deadly as written, and I've beefed it up even further (to make it my own), so EACH player needs to have 3 complete characters made before we begin (you will only play 1 at a time). Don't worry about any kind of logical reason for your characters to be together. Take this opportunity to play something wild, or way too out there for 'normal games'. I would shy away from things that are larger than medium sized and from anything heavily dependent on a mount. Otherwise, go crazy! I'm looking for experienced players that know the Pathfinder rules and Roll20 fairly well, but new players are of course welcome. We all know that hack-n-slash type games can get boring if it's just a bunch of dice and math, so I would really like some extroverted personalities that will embrace a less serious game of dungeon crawling. I've prepared sound effects, potential music, detailed maps with dynamic lighting, some API scripts (thanks community!) and more, all for the sake of keeping things entertaining and fun! But it is still a GROUP effort. Due to the number of dungeon "levels" this is going to be a long term game, but I'm going to try to run it in a fashion that allows players to drop in and out without much problem (other than maybe falling behind in XP), but I only want 4 players MAXIMUM at one time. I'm sorry in advance, but I prefer smaller groups. If you don't get picked as part of the starting group, I will make a standby list for substitutes. As long as you don't mind items like scrolls of "town portal" (Diablo game reference) to fix some issues, then swapping out players shouldn't be too difficult. I've run this adventure in this same fashion at a live table before and everyone loved it! Be Advised: Initial scheduling for this campaign may change in a few months. For now I'm hoping to play regularly every week. Depending on how many people express interest in playing, I may run multiple groups on different schedules. For now I want to start December 20, 2014, "lobby time" (hang out and get set up) at 7 PM, game start at 8 PM and running until 12 Midnight or TBD based on the energy of the session. All times are in United States Eastern Standard Time (GMT/UTC -5). I only speak English, but if you can only speak enough english for me to get an idea of what is being said, I'm willing to give you a shot. This game is an equal opportunity game as far as players are concerned. Ladies, please don't be shy. WARNING! Explicit Language will most likely be used during the game, but this should never be directed at another player "Out of Character". Role-playing of any graphic sexual nature will NOT be tolerated in my games (although comical metaphors and innuendos and such will probably run rampant... at least in character). We will not be using video, but headphones or a push-to-talk function on the players' end IS REQUIRED. I absolutely hate talking over my own echo or background noise. For now, I am planning on only using the Roll20 interface for voice chat. Skype is the most likely backup for now. IF INTERESTED: Please send me a Private Message with your initial 3 character proposals; include name/class/level/race/alignment and tell me why YOU want to kill Orcus (or venture into the dungeon for whatever reason) and tell me what your character BELIEVES about the beast known as the Ravager, or World Eater. Remember, this game is like Camelot in Monte Python's Holy Grail movie, "...'tis a silly place." Be creative, and don't be afraid to min/max... this is the game for it! _____________________________________________________________________ Character Creation Guidelines (READ ALL Guidelines AND House Rules BEFORE Starting to make your character) You will need 3 DIFFERENT characters before we begin play. Pre-generated characters can be provided, but you must use that character "as is" until you advance in levels. I will not be using the high-tech pathfinder Character Sheets inside Roll20. I will be using the basic ones for players to keep notes and basic info, but you will be responsible for keeping up with all your character info. Myth-weavers works out well for some people, paper (yes, real paper) still works. I do have some "Dice Buttons" (macros) set up for the players that basically just emulate rolling dice as we would at the "real" table. Consider the setting fairly "generic" for now. Just use Golarion gods if you are playing some sort of divine character. Otherwise, don't make any overly specific assumptions about the setting. It won't matter during the game. If we end up coming up with some cool stuff as we play, then great! 2 traits, Max of 2 Drawbacks (only if you want to take drawbacks) 3rd level Characters (we will be using the "Slow" XP advancement rate) Custom Races allowed (up to 30 race points), no Undead allowed due to the nature of the enemy in this adventure. Epic Fantasy Point buy for Ability Scores (25 points) Starting gold = 3000 gp (don't bother saving any, but spend it WISELY). You may use any Pathfinder compatible rules (subject to final GM approval), but some options may not be fitting for a dungeon- focused environment. I would PREFER only using classes that are part of the official PRD , but I'm open minded (it never hurts to ask). If you use the technology rules for some reason, you have to come up with something entertaining about where you came from and why you would have that level of technology (something better than my spaceship crashed here...). Gunslingers are fine (Emerging Guns, so basically the standard rules for gunslingers). NO EVIL CHARACTERS . Period. Regardless of Alignment (which I don't pay much attention to in the long run), you all have the same goal... Find and Slay Orcus, somehow take his wand, and then seek out the world eating beast known as the Ravager and slay it with the Wand of Orcus before it wakes up! I don't want inter-party conflicts or any other disruptive play. That doesn't mean your character has to be a goodie-two-shoes in shining armor... HOUSE RULES Wizards are only required to have Spell Component Pouches (just one main one is fine, but remember it can be lost, just like your spell book) except for those components that have a specific cost, divine focuses, and focuses that wouldn't fit in a pouch. Every now and then I may require you to spend the cost of a new Component Pouch acting as if you refilled it. Casting Spells is always obvious and noticeable unless the Spell description specifically says otherwise, or you have a feat or something that allows your casting to be more subtle or undetectable. Crafting Magic Items "drain" half the items market price in XP from the Crafter unless the item already requires a GREATER XP cost in the standard rules. Sorcerers cannot create magic items of any sort. Sorcerers can cast ANY 0-level spell (from ANY spell list) and can continue to cast 0-level spells as long as the Sorcerer has 1 unused spell slot (1st level or higher) remaining. There is no Critical Confirm roll. Natural 20 is a critical hit AND AUTOMATIC maximum damage. Weapons that have a "threat range" can score critical hits on "Natural" rolls of those numbers, but you must roll on the critical hit chart (I'll actually roll inside Roll20). Natural 1 ALWAYS FAILS. PCs receive MAXIMUM Hit Points at every level with no need to roll. Example: Barbarian gets 12 + Con modifier hp/level (plus Favored class bonus, etc). Each PC may choose ONE non-weapon magic item that cost up to 2000 gp FOR FREE (subject to final GM approval) Each PC gets ONE bonus feat (this is in addition to any feats normally gained by 3rd level), but you must meet all normal requirements for the feat. The PARTY starts with a Rod of Resurrection (usable by anyone) that simply casts the spell of the same name while touching the dead remains with the rod and saying the phrase " Klaatu barada nikto". It can be used 20 times before it runs out. It can be recharged, but works more like a ring of spell storing where it simply stores uses of the spell, up to 20 total. If anyone tries to put more than 20 uses into the rod, it explodes for 21d6 of force damage to everyone in a 20 ft. radius (ref save for half, except for person recharging the rod, and 10d6 piercing and slashing damage from shrapnel to everyone within 10 ft. of the rod when it explodes, same save counts for both types of damage, DC = 25. Non-spell casting classes can take a feat I just made up called Mystic Dabbler (if that is already a feat, sorry). Requirements = Primary Ability score 12+ (Int for Arcane, Wis for Divine), non spellcasting class. The character must declare which type of magic he "dabbles" in when he takes this feat. Once declared it cannot be changed and the character can only attempt to cast that type of magic. You can take the feat a second time to "dabble"in the other type of magic if you meet the requirements. Anyone with this feat that finds a spell book or scroll can attempt to cast the spell by making an intelligence (arcane) or wisdom (divine) check DC = 15 + level of the spell. If the check succeeds, the character is able to begin casting the spell. It takes 1 FUll Round Action/level of the spell to cast properly (provokes Attacks of Opportunity and you are considered flat footed during this time). If the CHECK fails or casting is interrupted (Concentration check), a Wild Surge occurs (I'll handle this in the game). Wizards and Sorcerers can take the feat I just made up called "Absorb Magic." This allows a spellcaster to "drain" magic energy to replenish spell slots. All a spellcaster with this feat must do is make a spell craft check DC = 10 + caster level required to create the item. Success means the caster drains the magic in the item, making it a mundane version of whatever it is, and regains a number of "spell levels" = to half the caster level required to create the item (rounded down). Some items may be "consumed" in the draining. Draining items is a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. If caster attempts to do in distracting situation, must make concentration check (same as when casting a spell, base DC 15 + relevant modifiers). If interrupted, no magic energy is regained by the caster, but the magic item continues to function unless a critical failure ( natural 1) is rolled on either spellcraft check or concentration check, then item loses magic and caster takes backlash damage = Xd6 force damage, where X = number of spell levels that WOULD BE gained if check was successful. We will be using Hero Points, but I'll explain more about how that is going to work once we have a group together. ______________________________________ That's everything I can think of for now. I hope to hear from some of you soon. For the record, this campaign is listed in the Looking For Group directory named "Rappan Athuk (Pathfinder)". The Dungeon of Graves is waiting...