I am considering setting up some rules for Kingdom Building campaign. My friends and I played one, but not how I wanted to see it. It was more of a Pathfinder "Adventure" than a "Kingdom Builder." I am thinking something along the lines of the following: Adventurers: Rare, but big payout. Each person has a character for themselves, and then share control over an authority in a ruler-ship position. Exploring a Hex has said percent value of turning up a dungeon/ruin. Rulers send a group of adventurers (aka, said characters above, or mercenaries hired.) GM (Michael R.) uses the power of the internet to make a random dungeon. Either automated by mercenaries or played out by characters, the dungeon is completed and the treasure is given to the rulership. (After paying the adventurers of course!) Kingdom Building: Month by Month, rules as seen here: <a href="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/kingdom-building" rel="nofollow">http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/kingdom-building</a> A few other rules/ideas. I am asking if there is interest before I go to the trouble of setting this up. I don't want to set it up and then find out nobody wants to do it. :P If you are interested, or even just have an idea for me concerning this, let me know. Oh and probably on weekends. I say this because it mostly meets others' schedules, but my schedule is open most weekdays also, We will figure out a day if there is an interest.