I hesitate to call this much of a script compared to what others have made! :) I'm new to Javascript and can't guarantee anything. Basically this script fixes a problem that I seem to be seeing in the rotation property. It can give values greater than 360deg, less than -360deg, and fairly consistently when you start the rotation going left it will give you a minus number in the first 90deg (0 to -90) and then give you a positive number as you go past -90 of 270 and less, this was the one that would cause the most problems. Its a very simple few lines of script. If you see a better way to do it then please let me know. probably making it into a function would be best, then you would just pass it the current rotation of the object and it would pass back a "fixed" rotation. I think I'll do that. For now here it is. on("change:graphic:rotation", function(obj, prev) { var rot=obj.get("rotation"); if (rot < 0){ rot=360-Math.abs(rot%360); } rot=Math.abs(rot%360); obj.set("rotation",rot); });