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New Year's Eve D&D One-Shot? Tomb of Horrors!! (8pm CST)

Another year has packed up and is standing awkwardly by the door, making small-talk. In a few hours, 2014 will be gone forever. So what's the best way to deal with yet another milestone reminding us of our own inevitable fade into the void? Kill everyone !! To that end, i'm looking for a party of PC's to descend into the unknown inky depths, braving the ever-present danger of random number generators, in search of their fortune. If you succeed, the reward is enough treasure to satiate even a dragon's lust for gold. If you fail, it means death, or worse. The version is 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. The adventure is the Tomb of Horrors, written by Gary "No Saving Throw is Allowed" Gygax himself, and brought to you with no particular skill, by me. Characters can be created for this adventure specifically, unless you have a character you'd like to bring with you. There are resources online, in case you don't have access to the 1e books. So that's not a problem. If there are enough people who aren't able to get drunk this year, maybe we can kill some time another way without getting shiny balls involved.
Forum Champion
Nice pitch. I was hoping there would be some New Year's one-shots turning up. 1e AD&D Tomb Of Horrors, sounds like a perfect plan. Well, my actual availability to play it personally is... tenuous. I've got some guests and dinner plans taking up part of the time. So I don't know if I will be able to join or not. Wanted to express interest anyway. The time I could play it is later in the evening, running across the midnight hour, possibly in the range of 9pm-1am Central USA, if that happens to coincide with your running times. Are you using google, skype, or built-in roll20 audios? It's been many years since I played this module, so, I mainly remember that it is deadly to most PC's. What level character would we make? I'd probably try a thief, or a monk, or a Magic User if you know a fast way to figure out what spells he would have for the day.
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Myself and another player are interested!

Edited 1420067866
KS Backer
Color me interested and available!
If i can find the people, character creation might start around 8pm CST. But it really depends on when/if i can find them. Skype is the preference, but i'd be up for giving the built-in Roll20 voice a shot. Character level would be between 10 & 14. I was thinking of just rolling a D5+9 to determine individual levels. But if there are multi-classers, we might just have to go with an average amount of XP. Not sure about spells, i'll look into it. I have a pdf of a 1e spell-planner, but that's all i have right now.

Edited 1420069530
Me and a buddy of mine would be interested in joining if you will let us. The only thing is that I have to go get my friend from work that gets off around 10 PM est. Btw the one I have to get from work is a different one from the one that will be joining us for the game lol
I'm with Jared M. I would like to play. I would like to play a fighter. I have not played 1st since it came out. i will need to dust off the books for this one.
You know i might be able to join at 10 CST if you don't find enough players. Any chance you have the 1st edition Rogues Gallery? If so I could just use a 10th-12 level character out of there if it works for you.
Bunch said: Any chance you have the 1st edition Rogues Gallery? If so I could just use a 10th-12 level character out of there if it works for you. I don't, but i wish i did.

Edited 1420078767
I've played a few old modules on random days when not enough players showed up for our regular game, but I don't know much about it, my table-top days didn't start until 3.0. I am available for the next 6 hours though, and if no pathfinder games jump out and catch me by chance, than I wouldn't wind joining a group for some fun old-school D&D. ^^ -Spazz (Skype: Xentrilo)

Edited 1420083023
Forum Champion
I'd like to make a character and play. I'm back to the computer now. Please send me the Join link if there's a spot for me, if this is going to get off the ground (or into the ground as the case may be). I will give you my Skype name in-game as well. EDIT: Anyone get word?
Gold said: EDIT: Anyone get word? Sorry, was in full-blown panic mode by that time.
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Billy, thanks for running that for us!
Time-travel, reincarnation, and magically appearing war-dogs. I don't even care that we only got two rooms in!

Edited 1420159649
Forum Champion
Billy, whatever panic mode means, It would be nice if you Close your game offers when you're full or calling it off, in the future. So that other people aren't waiting for a game to start & continuing to respond when it's not possible.
Okay, that's enough.
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
In the future, if you're not getting responses from a GM after the game's start time remember that he or she is probably extremely busy and not thinking to check Roll20 messages amidst all the other stuff going on.