Proposition: Allow more options for searching by tags, specifically "OR" operands and "literal" searching capability. Purpose: To give more flexibility in encounter creation and avoid issues with tags that contain part of another tag. Examples: 1. "OR" operand. Right now you can only search with the "AND" operand. In other words, if I want to find a type of monster, I can type "CR1" and it will show me all CR1 monsters, and if I type "CR1 Forest" I can find all CR1 monsters that also live in a forest environment. If I wanted to see all CR1 and CR2 monsters that live in forests, however, I need to do two separate searches; I can't see both at once, because (presumably) no creature has a CR of 1 and 2. This is where the "OR" operand would apply, so I could do a search like (CR1 OR CR2) (Forest OR Hill OR Mountain) and see all CR 1 or 2 monsters that are in a forest, hill, or mountain environment. This could make encounter creation so much easier with just three possible tags for CR (or whatever your system uses for difficulty), environment, and creature type. 2. "Literal" searches. Currently searching is based on whatever fits the part or entire word you're searching for. This is fine most of the time but becomes problematic for situations where one tag exists within another tag. The most common are probably the "PC" and "NPC" tags; since "PC" is inside "NPC" searching for the player characters shows everything, making the tag useless. A GM might not notice this right away and causes a lot of frustration. Another example is using the "Outdoor" tag to identify outdoor tiles in the art library, only to find that "Door" also finds all these tiles, or using "Outside" and "Side" for side tiles. By allowing the player to put quotes around a tag and only find the complete word you could avoid this issue, so searching for PC would find NPC, but searching for "PC" would only find PC. Tags are incredibly useful tools but can be frustrating if you accidentally choose a tag "inside" another tag, and can make tags less obvious and harder to remember as you search for unique synonyms. Summary: Adding in a couple other searching capabilities may not be useful to the majority of GMs, but for those who have experienced these frustrations they would be a huge quality-of-life improvement for a relatively minor change. Also, these changes may make tags more appealing to those who previously had ignored or been frustrated by them by allowing more flexibility and specificity when searching. Thank you!