I've been away for 2 or 3 months now and I'm kind of getting that itch to play again so here I am. As the title states, I'm looking for a Pathfinder group to join that plays Friday nights or any time Saturday. I'm on the east coast of the US so I'm in the EST time zone. I've been working Fridays during the day from 7-3:30 so any time after 3:30 on Fridays is fine and I'm typically off on Saturday so any time works on those days. Before I quit I was playing in multiple games every week for about two years straight. I've finished two APs in that time, Wrath of the Righteous and Jade Regent. I also ran some games for people so I've also got experience with that aspect of Pathfinder as well. As a player, I prefer balanced campaigns. I enjoy the combat and tactical aspects of Pathfinder much more so than the RP aspects but I acknowledge that RP has its place. As long as there is some sort of balance between the two, I'm happy. I also like to have a lot of freedom when creating my characters. That doesn't mean I'm doing to go and pull some class out of a PDF I bought for $1.99 somewhere and expect to play it but at the same time, I've tried to play in campaigns where we're restricted to something like CRB/APG only and it just isn't for me. Speaking of characters, martial characters tend to be my go-to characters but in the last couple games I was in I played full casters like Wizards or Oracles and enjoyed it. So, whatever the group needs I can play without issue. I'm hoping I didn't, I dunno, scare anyone off but after playing Pathfinder so much and in so many different groups for the last two years, I've figured out what I like and what I don't. So while I know Roll20 isn't exactly flush with groups looking for people, I'd rather find something that works for the group and myself, rather than join a group that isn't for me. Thanks for reading and I look forward to any responses.