So I noticed that people where occasionally stopping in because I posted the link for Jeff publicly on accident. I thought it was kind of cool even though people popped in and right back out again. This gives me an interesting idea. I'd like to create an open and persistent area that the initial goblin raiding party can capture and use as a base for multiple goblin parties. So one gameboard can host multiple games for different goblin parties.
I'm not really worried about spoiling anything because the inclusion of zombies was initially proposed as a core concept of the game, so although we got of to a slow start because I was new to the interface the zombies are definitely coming. I'd like to run this as horror survival game where goblins steal a small fortified outpost and village, and try to defend it from the zombie hordes roaming the countryside. I'm not sure exactly how to make this work, but if anyone's interested in getting involved/improving the setting/ getting a party together to go through it/ or whatever, just let me know. :)