I have seen 3 pretty decent games die after the first week because GM's are unable to get players to respond after being begged to run a game. I have heard all 3 GM's rant to me about this issue which has turned me off from GMing to random groups myself.
Do not get me wrong, in all of the game there were small issues, related to the GM getting used to Roll20, mics/cameras not working, lag/connection issues, or the fact Roll20 is still just a beta.
But please, I need to get this straight. You beg for a GM to run a game, then one eventually shows up, he agrees to YOUR game, finds players, spends hours setting up a campaign, more hours running your campaign, and then you won't even have the decency to answer e-mails for a continuation of that game?
I wonder how often this happens or am I just bad luck? But, if this is as often as I fear because it is over the internet and people feel they do not have any real obligations, there will soon be a trend no one will like. Good GM's will stop posting to run good games and will stop helping random groups. A trend none of us want.
I know that PnP is not for everyone, and I know that often players don't like other players and player's won't like GM's .... but people, be courteous and at least answer an e-mail/PM and tell them.
I apologize for this small rant (seem to be doing that here latley.)