Does anyone know a way to make the "select" tag in HTML set multiple values? What I'm specifically trying to do is create a modification for a White Wolf style character sheet that would allow one to have automatically calculated values, such as soak rolls and the like. In the system I'm playing with, Scion, your character gets a soak bonus based on their "Epic Stamina," but it's not a 1-to-1 bonus: for 1, it's 1; for 2, it's 2; for 3, it's 4. I am not aware of any way to calculate this that wouldn't entail if/then statements, so I thought it would work if I had it set to where when the player set their "attr_epic_stamina" rating, it would also be able to set their "attr_soak_mod" or the like. However, I have no idea how to make the code set multiple items based on a single selection. And for that matter, how can this thing not have a simple case or if/else statement? So you could set an attribute to, like, case(@{attribtue},1,1,2,2,3,4)?That would make the whole thing so darn easy. Is there a list of functions beyond the round/ceil/floor functions?