I've got some sweet Hit Location tables that ask the player to declare if they're attacking ""High", "Mid", or "Low" then give results on a curve. I have rollable tables and macros set up to make these rolls and it works great. However, I thought it would be cool if I could have a three tokens comprising an anatomical outline divided into high, mid and low "zones" and trigger these rolls when the player clicked in the appropriate zone. I could group the three tokens together so they'd appear to be seamless/one icon, but they'd really be triggering these table rolls. I just don't know if it's possible to trigger a roll simply by clicking on a token.
Although I've been a subscriber for quite some time, even a Mentor, my game has been on hiatus for months and I don't often get to under the hood of Roll20 so to speak, so forgive me if I'm missing something obvious.
Although I've been a subscriber for quite some time, even a Mentor, my game has been on hiatus for months and I don't often get to under the hood of Roll20 so to speak, so forgive me if I'm missing something obvious.