For my game (which isn't VtM but is similarly story based) I've run four sessions and so far I've used four maps:
1) Centre of the city
2) District where the players live & spend most of their time
3) Mansion the players live in
4) a town house that some villains were holed up in that the characters attacked last session.
I've got 18 pages that are either a single NPC portrait or portraits of a group of NPCs who are commonly encountered together (like one of the important NPCs, and his bodyguard and manservant) and as the game is pretty role-playing focussed it's these pages that do the bulk of the heavy lifting.
Even though I've got maps movement is pretty abstract in what I'm running (like WoD) so we use a bunch of pins to designate where characters are and all spend heaps of time scribbling all over the maps to indicate obstacles, movement, direction, bad guys etc.
It's just a matter of finding a way to telling the story you want to tell with the tools available, if the tools aren't enhancing the game it's pretty simple to just not use them (as we've chosen to do with the turn tracker).