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D&D 5e - Universal Cantrip Formula (Works, just not with rolls)


Edited 1422402425
Hey all, I wanted to share with you a formula I figured out for calculating the number of dice to roll in a cantrip in 5e. You start with 1 die at level 1, then increase it to 2 at level 5, 3 at level 11, and 4 at level 17. My DM Kevin figured out one way of rolling it in a macro, but it involved rolling all 4 dice every time, and it would just multiply each die by 0 if you were under a certain level. The problem is that the roll-over text in the chat bar would be near-impossible to understand. I took his basic formula and entered it into a graphing calculator, and fiddled with it until it outputted the correct numbers for each level. Here is that formula: (round((floor((x)/5)/4)+.25))+(floor((x)/11))+(floor((x)/17))+1 Substitute X for whatever your level attribute is. This formula will work perfectly up to level 20, after that things get... wonky. Here is a graph output of the formula: The additional colored lines at the bottom show the output of each of the 3 sections of the formula (for levels 5, 11, and 17). Then you take the sum of each section, and add 1. The problem is that apparently if you use floor/ceil/round to calculate the number of dice to roll in a macro, the parser throws a fit. Hopefully they'll fix that issue in a future update.
Oh I'm an idiot! This whole time I thought it wasn't a linear function, due to the increment between level 5 and the rest of the levels. But it is a linear function, it's just offset by -1 on the y axis! So here is a muuuuch much much simpler formula: (floor((x+1)/6)+1) And if we ever increase the level cap to 30 (or higher) there's a good chance that the dice increases will be a level 23 and level 29.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
When calculating the number of dice to roll, round(x) is automatically applied to the formula. Therefore, you can use [[((x + 1) / 6 + 0.5)d4]] for example, to roll the appropriate number of d4s. This is consistent with your supposition for extending the level to 30, too. =)
Oh excellent, thank you!
This is a beautiful and simple macro, thanks very much for this, it will greatly simplify the DnD 5E damage macro's! Thanks!
i can hear all my past, present, and future spellcasters loving you long time.