I of course have no sway in this matter, just thought I'd get a discussion going on the subject. Here are mine in no particular order: 1. Roll20 dice mechanics, at the very least a function to roll one die so I don't have to use Math.random which I'm told is not very random compared to Roll20's routines. 2. being able to find out the currently selected token so the script can do things to that token 3. if pageid of an object was read/write then we could easily write a script that would teleport x tokens to another page. No more copying and pasting, etc. 4. if we could create rollable tables and other objects we could write a script that would create tables. Then other users wouldn't have to go through all the trouble. It would sort of be like a export/import. 5. If we could pick the result of a rollable table. Why? Well one use would to be to write your own dice rolling code and then choose which of the items on the rollable table were rolled this would give us access to the graphics of a rollable table and help create easy to use custom dice and dice mechanics that would show up nicely in the chat window. As it is now I had to simply output regular text to the chat window for my Edge of Empire Dice script. Well thats five that I can think of right now. What about your top five list? PS: I've got a 6th. :) 6. If there was a way we could generate a popup window and ask the user for input. I think that would be very useful! PPS: Jeez what part of top five don't I understand! :) Here are two more 7. put a small graphic into the chat Window through the API. Then we could make really nice custom dice rolls in the chat window. 8. Way for the API to Change the Z Order of Object. This would help scripts be able to hide things behind other tokens without having to put them on the GM layer (which the GM still sees. :) and.. 9. able to start music through the API