Hi, folks...something here I was hoping someone might have some advice on. I'm running a game of 13th Age, and one of the characters is playing the Vanguard class available from Vault of the 13th Age. The Vanguard class has one talent that gives it extra AC against melee attacks only. Thus far, we've been just kind of mentally adding one to his AC whenever folks attacked him in melee, but I decided to try building it in to attack abilities so we wouldn't have to do that. I gave him an attribute called MeleeACBonus with a value of 1, then had enemy attacks reference that ability added to his AC. So basically as a line in the attack I would include: vs [[@{target|Target1|AC}+@{target|Target1|MeleeACBonus}]] This worked, except that the other characters didn't have a MeleeACBonus and thus the attack ability would fail to run against them, because it tried to call an attribute that didn't exist. So my question, I guess, is: is there any way to make an ability call an attribute OR call 0 if the attribute does not exist? Or is there a less clumsy way to do this in general? O_O