Hi Simon, Thanks for using the sheet. I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to do but this is how most of the roll buttons work: /roll 1d100 vs [[@{str}]]/[[floor(@{str}/2)]]/[[floor(@{str}/5)]] Note, I had the hard and extreme values stored as a separate attribute in previous versions but when I added the roll buttons I ran out of screen real-estate and had to cut something out. I figured since the roll buttons had these values in the result I could do without them. That said if you just want to avoid opening the sheet you have a few options: 1) Call the roll button directly from chat, %{dodge_check}. I tried to keep skill name and roll checks consistent so it should just be skillname_check 2) Make a macro which does the same (mostly for GM use): /emas @{selected|token_name} dodges %{selected|dodge_check} 3) Drag the button into your macro toolbar to save the ones you want I highly recommend using the roll button indirectly in one of those ways because I plan on adding support for roll tmeplates once they are in production. In my own game I use a mix of the above. Direct chat command for the stuff I don't use often and the most common stuff I have created a macro set to show up as token action. My players drag the ones they want to save into their own bar. Also 2 macros I use to add character to initiative tool. Both as set as a token action so I just click the token then click Dex Rank to add them to initiative: /gmroll 0+@{selected|dex} &{tracker} and another for those who have a readied weapon: /gmroll 50+@{selected|dex} &{tracker}