I've noticed a number of groups that are more than just a gaming group, their a whole sub community. Namely Your GM academy and The AD&D2 Tavern to name two. These groups have large numbers of "players" which can cause lag when viewing the group and lots of discussion threads. What I propose is a second kind of group, a Community Group. These groups would have a different layout, such as a tab for members instead of being on the home. Other features I would like to see is the ability to make discussion groups(sub-forums) to manage the large number of them, and the ability to have multiple tabletops(I'm assuming that less people in one room is better for the servers and group members), or remove the tabletops all together and only have a chat on the left(though I think tabletops are beneficial for groups like GM academy). I also think it would be neat, if your a member of a group, that you could mark that group in the campaign and group members would see it on a list of group games(the LFG would still show up on the general site). Groups would have to be formed by a mentor likely(due to various reasons) but I feel anyone should be able to enter them. Instead of a GM(game master) they would have GMs(Group Managers). I'm unsure of if people should just be able to just click a button and join a group, or if roll20 should allow the GMs to take applications and accept people.