I am always interested in an MnM3e game. Yay super heroes! Unfortunately I'm kind of obsessed with this character: Concept: Drama Remover Hair: Bald. Eyes: None. Height: Approx 59 cm, Weight: 100 kg 01 is a 100 kg turquoise metal featureless regular icosahedron. (edge length of approx 31 cm, generalized diameter of about 59 cm). Personality: Helpful, Meticulous, Precise - Abilities (10 pp) . Strength -- (-10 pp) Stamina -- (-10 pp) Agility -- (-10 pp) Dexterity 0 (0 pp) Fighting 0 (0 pp) Intellect 20 (40 pp) Awareness 0 (0 pp) Presence 0 (0 pp) - Defenses (0 pp) . Dodge (AGL --) 0 [No] 0 pp Parry (FGT) 0 [0] 0 pp Fortitude (STA --) 0 [No] 0 pp Toughness (STA --) 0 [0] Will (AWE) 0 [0] 0 pp - Skills (10 pp) . Acrobatics (AGL) 0 [No] 0 pp Athletics (STR) 0 [0] 0 pp Close Combat (FGT) 0 [0] 0 pp Deception (PRE) 0 [0] 0 pp Expertise (INT 20) (Joat) 0 [+20] 0 pp Insight (AWE) 0 [0] 0 pp Intimidation (PRE) 0 [0] 0 pp Investigation (INT 20) (Joat) 0 [+20] 0 pp Perception (AWE 0) 20 [+20] 10 pp Persuasion (PRE) 0 [0] 0 pp Ranged Combat (DEX) 0 [0] 0 pp Sleight of Hand (DEX) (Joat) 0 [0] 0 pp Stealth (AGL) 0 [0] 0 pp Technology (INT 20) (Joat) 0 [+20] 0 pp Treatment (INT 20) (Joat) 0 [+20] 0 pp Vehicles (DEX) (Joat) 0 [0] 0 pp - Advantages (9 pp) . Eidetic Memory Improvised Tools Jack-of-all-trades (Joat) Inventor Second Chance (Perception Checks with Danger Sense to avoid being surprised) Skill Mastery (Technology) Speed of Thought Teamwork Uncanny Dodge - Powers (120 pp) . "Is a Robot" Immunity 30: all effects resisted by Fortitude (30 pp). Color commentary: 01's chassis is a 100 kg featureless turquoise metal regular icosahedron. It appears to just sit there and not do much. . "Inhuman Perception of Time" Quickness 20 (20 pp) Note: Reduces routine checks of one week (approx. 128 hours) or less to less than a second (free action). Color Commentary: 01 is an alien futuretech robot orphan, how it processes so fast may as well be magic. Senses 1 (1 pp): Time Sense . "Graphical Omniscience Device" Senses 34 (35 pp): Analytically Vision 2, Vision Counters all Concealment 5, Vision Counters Illusion 2, Visual Danger Sense 1, Distance Sense 1, Extended Vision 7 (-1 per 10^8 ft ), Infravision 1, Low-Light Vision 1, Microscopic Vision 4, Vision Penetrates Concealment 4, Radius Vision 2, Ranged Vision 1, Full Speed Visual Tracking 2, Ultravision 1. Extras: Innate (is a robot) (1 pp). . "Telekinesis" Move Object 1 (9 pp): Indirect 4 (+4 flat), Perception (+1 per), Precise (flat +1), Subtle (+1 per). . "Scarcity Nullifier" Create Object 1 (16 pp): Indirect 4 (flat +4), Innate (flat +1), Perception (+1 per), Permanent (-0), Precise (flat +1), Subtle 2 (flat +2), Variable Descriptor Broad "Technology" (flat +2), Reaction (+3 per) triggered by constructing an invention with the inventor advantage. Alternate Effect (1 pp): Create Object 1, indirect 4, innate, perception, permanent, precise, subtle 2, variable broad descriptor "Charity" . "Self Taught Polyglot" Comprehend 3 (2 pp) Understand, Read, and Write in all languages. . "Hypervisor Oversight" Immunity 5 (5 pp) Immunity to Visual vector effects . "Damage countermeasures" Regeneration 1 (2 pp) Persistent . - Complications . Motivation - Do Good: 01 Will Not Kill. 01 acts on the belief that everyone deserves a chance be redeemed. Complication - "First Law" Pacifist: 01 will not make obvious weapons, 01 will attempt not to harm humans. Complication - "Second Law" Responsibility, obedient, gullible, helpful, 01 enjoys obeying human orders. Complication - "Third Law" Coward, 01 will flee violence to protect his own existence, and help remotely as much as it is safe to do so. - Totals . Abilities 10 + Defense 0 + Skills 10 + Advantages 9 + Powers 120 = 149 . - Combat Quick Reference Line . Initiative 20, (Danger Sense & Uncanny Dodge) Ranged +0 Close +0 I can't think of what else to add here. -