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Is there a non api power card display?


Edited 1424214700
More specifically is there a way to use the player's color for the color displayed in the chat window for his/her token or emote? If i could at least do that i would be happy! Why isn't there an option for this already? It seems like it's a no brainer for a basic feature!
Sheet Author
I don't think you're going to be happy Brian...
Basic feature definitely does not mean basic implementation :) Your best route would be to suggest such a feature in the Suggestions forum with enough detail and description to catch folks' attention so they vote on it. Formatting in general within the chat window is pretty much left to the realm of API Wizards...(though they're working on custom crit ranges on the dev server, yay!)
Sheet Author
@Brian A - See the details about the upcoming update to roll20 - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Most sheet authors are working on updating their character sheets now for it so its ready for when the roll20 update goes live
The roll templates will be fantastic as Actoba points out, but the ability to set the color of the title/output based on the characters color is not a feature of the roll templates as far as it has been mentioned (unless there is an improvement to this feature before it is launched).
That was an interesting read Actoba! However would it kill them to at least have a different color for players and the monsters in the chat window so it's easier to see whats going on? Those power cards are awesome and they clean up the chat window nicely. Unfortunately my group doesn't play enough for me to go mentor and the thought of scripting anything scares me to death! I'm an artist not a programmer!
Ok posted in the suggestion forums! So i like the update but the basic users never get any cool updates that are useful. This topic would be something useful for everyone.
If you and your players split the cost of upgrading... it would be more affordable. And powercards don't require scripting. Just copy and paste.
Brian, the general system has received some seriously awesome updates lately. Character Sheets, D&D 5e re-roll once mechanic, The Player Vault, Drag and Drop macro buttons from character sheets right onto the Macro Bar The dev's are constantly improving the system for free members, supporters, and mentors all the time. And we all benefit from updates that GM's make use of like Card Decks, Dynamic Lighting and such. It's a very small team, so you have to give them some credit for rolling out so many updates as quickly as they do :)
I love everything they do don't get me wrong but some of the updates would be more useful than others like color for everyone and improving the display in the chat window! I have to admit though the card deck update was pure genius!
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API Scripter
HoneyBadger said: If you and your players split the cost of upgrading... it would be more affordable. And powercards don't require scripting. Just copy and paste. If you are a GM i would seriously consider this option, if you want features to tidy chat, make it pretty or otherwise enhance gameplay you simply can't go wrong with mentor. At only $10 a month if you asked your players to chip in (average party size of 4 + you) it is only $2 a month each... which is less than the price of &lt;insert something here, i have no idea of the price of anything in dollars!&gt; each a month :D I'm not on commission but i was hesitant to go mentor at first but haven't looked back, best decision i ever made... and now my chat looks soooooo pretty ;)
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
If all you want is a different display for player vs. npc/monster rolls, you can use different roll templates for each. It won't necessarily distinguish players by color, but honestly, I never know what color each player is, because I never look. I look for the name. And most of the roll templates that I've seen display the character's name rather prominently. That was merely an idea/suggestion, not meant to diminish your need or desire—a work around to get you closer to your desired end-state.
If you set a portait on the PC tokens, you can enable that in the chat window, and have a visual cue for who is speaking/rolling
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
hix said: If you set a portait on the PC tokens, you can enable that in the chat window, and have a visual cue for who is speaking/rolling Good call, simple and effective (i did this initially therefore forgot that some people won't have it at all lol!). To expand on that you could also set a picture for monster sheets to distinguish them... or to make monsters really stand out give them all a jolly roger style avatar pic on their sheet so that your players know they are getting hurt by bad guys lol...