I have attached my code for one of my campaigns for markdown use. Here is the link to the Site. (London Mystery) So you can see how it is applied and also have access to the code to view how to do it using markdown editing. ## Campaign Details
>**Campaign Start Date:** ----
>**Play time:** ----
>**Requirement:** Voice Chat on Roll20.net through Skype, no video will be broadcasted.
>**Entry Requirement:** Skype, and Mic
## Introduction
>_January 7th 1899_
>>_An overcast of fog slowly creeps over the city of London on a dark moonless night. The London streets overflowing with the hustle of the nightly entertainment, while street lamps glow eerily through the amassing fog. A massive aged galley pierce through the fog as it slows to a halt, and docks in the London shipyard, while huge in size this ship barely looked sea worthy but for those of little currency was fortunate enough to gain passage. A large group of new commoners have recently arrived by port after a long journey though the English Channel and the Thames River. Crowds of Englishman and Englishwomen stand amongst the busy port awaiting friends and family as well as to greet those who are unfamiliar to this new land. The captain dressed in old rags and a tethered long cloak, with a mighty fine captain's hat steps out onto the belly of the ship. The captain shouts across the galley deck after the ship drops it crosswalk for the crew and passengers to depart, "We be at London, mates, all you're people exit the port side ye herr"._
## Campaign Information
>This world takes place just about the turn of the 1900 century where the brink of technology was just starting to come into phase. You had horse drawn carriages, Some cities had electricity for lights but not widely spread and a glow no brighter than a well lit torch, while other still worked on candle light and torches. Weapons like firearms, black powdered rifles were widely used and often the most common weapon aside from small knives. Wars and corruption was at the height of most conflicts between nations, and random murders went unknown. Crime was high and official often never caught criminals and hire detectives to investigate.
>>Supernatural events have been known to happen, legends, rumors, and things that haunt the night.
## Character Creation
> **Campaign planned level Progression:**
>> Level 20
> **Starting Level:**
>> 5th Level
> **Current level:**
>> Starting Level 5th
>**Hit Points** -
>>HP is max at first level and average after First
>**Level Progression:**:
>>Fast _experience is awarded per encounter or nightly_
>**Class Restrictions:**
>>No 3rd party Material **(no exceptions)**
>>No 3rd party Material (no exceptions)
>>All Players know how to use a simple handgun.
>**Alignment restriction:**
>>No Evil _(CN is also not allowed as most people interpret it as freely motivated to do anything)_
>**Race Restrictions:**
>>Human, Half-elf, Elf, Halfling and Dwarf, Android _(Mechanical failure in the new world)_, Oread
>>>_All races appear human in some form or another. Other races don't exist or are considered mystical creatures and are unplayable._
>>One trait, and one major drawback, Major drawback not required.
>>>_Major Drawback_ Link: [Link to Drawback](<a href="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/3rd-party-drawbacks/super-genius-games/major-drawbacks" rel="nofollow">http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/3rd-party-drawbacks/super-genius-games/major-drawbacks</a>)
>**Starting Stats**:
>>25 point buy [Ability Scores](<a href="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores" rel="nofollow">http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores</a>)
>**Character Wealth**:
>>Listed at [Starting Gold](<a href="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation/" rel="nofollow">http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation/</a>)
>>>2x starting gold in Euro. _Example_ 100g equals 200E.
>>All currency is in _Euro_. There are no small coins for simplicity; however, that will make certain items appear inflated. For Game terms, if it cost gold its 2 gold per Euro, and anything less is 1 Euro regardless of coin. PP is interpreted as 10 Euro.
>>>Example: Longsword cost 15gp or 30 Euro
>>>>**Accepted Sites for material are currently:**
[D20pfsrd](<a href="http://www.d20pfsrd.com" rel="nofollow">http://www.d20pfsrd.com</a>) or [Paizo](<a href="http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/" rel="nofollow">http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/</a>)
>**World Advancement:**
>>Some cities had electricity for lights but not widely, spread and a glow no brighter than a well-lit torch, while other still worked on candle light and torches. Weapons like firearms, black powdered rifles were widely used and often the most common weapon aside from small knives.
>>All players are required to provide a brief story of around 100-250 words and relate to the world as close as possible.
>**Hero Points:**
>>No hero Points _All players benefit from Anti-hero benefit and_ *gain one additional feat.*
>**Template Restrictions:**
>>No Templates allowed
>>Experience is awarded normally and players must keep track of their experience. Missed sessions will not award player experience.
>>I award treasure each game session; sometimes depending on situation, it will be awarded each encounter.
>**Spell Restrictions:**
>>All spells are harder to cast and as a result require a full round to cast.
>**Item Restrictions:**
>>All Magic items are restricted unless found. Magic while exist is very rare and hard to create. The DC to create magic items is double traditional rules.
>**Missed sessions**
>>If you miss more than 2 sessions back to back you will be removed from the game unless you have a valid reason for your absence.
>>This game will continue on its normal progression; however, there will be times when characters level up and other non-essential portions that gives players a chance to build bases or homes. Leveling up is instant and doesn't require training, your skill level has just improved.
>**Token Labels:**
>>Tokens are Green= HP / Black = AC / Blue = Elevation from ground
>**Player Details**:
>>Required age 18+, provide a little player background and some experience in RPG pathfinder or DND
>>If you think you can break the system for your character that is your choice, just remember that the more powerful you create your characters the harder I have to build the creatures, and I would prefer not to have to make impossible challenges for players, especially for those who don’t min/max. If you want to be good at one thing that is fine, but just remember not to overdo it, because if you can do, so can I.
>**Macro Commands:**
>>Please use macros to help increase efficiency of the game. You can find additional information on macros here [Macros](<a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/Macros" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/Macros</a>) Easy rolls are made by adding brackets [[1d20+number]] Shortens most large numbers taking up chat area.
>>[Character Submission Link](<a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/1504334/character-submission#post-1504334" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/1504334/character-submission#post-1504334</a>)
_I don't respond to private messages that request to join the game, all submissions must have complete character sheet; however, I will answer questions through private messages involving character creation. If you plan to join, please submit your character in the link above_
## Game Modifications
>>All Melee weapons are still available however uncommon. Majority of light and simple weapons are average. It's common for people to carry firearms, black-powder or gunpowder handguns. Rifles are not common weapons unless you are planning on hunting per say.
Link:[Weapons](<a href="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/firearms" rel="nofollow">http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/firearms</a>)
>>In the 1900's it was uncommon for people to be wearing Chainmail and Fullplate, however, with some exceptions majority of light armor was used on the street. Armor from D20modern is acceptable. Defense equals AC, Fortification is chance to ignore critical. Price is $25 Euro for each AC modifier.
Link: [Armor Link](<a href="http://www.d20modernpf.com/wealth-and-equipment/armor" rel="nofollow">http://www.d20modernpf.com/wealth-and-equipment/armor</a>)
>>Aside from Horses and carriages which is traditional form of transportation, they also have new on the market;
1900 New England Electric Vehicle _Speed_ 80ft/rd, _Battery:_ 2 hours _Cost_30,000E
Picture Link: [Car Picture](<a href="http://www.earlyamericanautomobiles.com/images/autos2906.jpg" rel="nofollow">http://www.earlyamericanautomobiles.com/images/autos2906.jpg</a>)
>**Skill Modification**
>>Stealth is treated as invisible and anything that can see invisibility can see you. Anything that affects Invisibility also affects stealth with the same penalties.