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Calendar to manage player availability and attendance

Score + 22
The first part of this post relates to having a normal event calendar on your home page. It would be great to see when all of your campaigns are scheduled for without having to use an external calendar system. Could it be set up so that when a campaign you are in has been given a 'Next Game Will Be...' time slot, it automatically adds it to your own event calendar? From here you could click the event and opt in or out to notify the GM of your availability. The second part of this post is a more advanced feature to a calendar system that I think will also be very useful. Sometimes it can be troublesome to find out when ALL of your players are next available to play. With some players being unable to respond until the night before due to other commitments or whatever reasons, which can often end up being too late. If there was an event calendar in a similar format to the table below it would make it easier to organise irregular games with a group: MONDAY Dan Joe Chris Mike James 11am Y Y Y 12pm Y Y Y Y 1pm Y Y Y Y 2pm Y Y Y Y Y 3pm Y Y Y Y Y 4pm Y Y Y Y Y 5pm Y Y TUESDAY Dan Joe Chris Mike James 11am Y 12pm Y Y Y 1pm Y Y Y 2pm Y Y Y *The 'Y' could just be a check box. From the table above, the only time the group is available is for a 3 hour slot on Monday at 2pm. So when the GM checks this list they can see availability easily and then book in the best time to play the next game. I would rather be able to do everything from within Roll20, from management to messaging. Sometimes having to use external applications/calendars with strangers can open up opportunities to see personal details, email addresses and other things a person might not be willing to share.
This would help our group considerably. Our group play different games so what I need as a GM is to know "on this date we play that, on that day we play that". If I am running something on THAT day I can prep without getting to the day and finding players didnt know, or are playing something else. Nothing worse than prepping for a game to find that as nobody has turned up. That for as GM is very annoying!! Yes we can use Google Calender etc, but it is nice to have everything in one place.. I think a certain 'Grounds' has such a feature? Martin
If you want a feature like that right now, use for your scheduling needs. It is exactly what you are looking for.
Yeah thanks buddy, one of our group uses Obsidian Portal which is fine for now. I would just love to see this integrated into Roll20 in the future. I'm hoping for votes and comments just so it is at least in the pipeline of the many things the Roll20 team are working on. I think most people use a wide array of other applications that do just that thing in the mean time. Google Calendar User created websites

Edited 1427520959
Forum Champion
I would like to see this added (or at least to some extent) on Roll20. Even the "Next game time" feature could be improved a bit (allowing you to show the next 2 or 3 game times, perhaps on a non-repeating schedule) and also the LFG version where you're currently restricted to labeling game frequency as Weekly or Monthly. I'm out of Votes at this time, but here's moral support. When I get my subscription going again I'll return to add +1. Presently I use a combination of Doodle, Google Calendar, and Roll20 Forum discussion for this. Here are some related (but not identical) Suggestions, that you may also want to check out and comment/vote, Overview schedule <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Way for Players to indicate if they are attending a game <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Embed Google Calendars <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...