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Issues with Hex (H) map pages


Edited 1424881746
Hello, Issues with Hex (H) map pages Detailed Description of the Problem 1) A hex map selected to be 50 units by 50 units ends up being less than 50 hexes tall and less than 50 hexes wide. 2) A hex map labeling is inconsistent with the standard method of increasing letters. Usually goes from A-Z then AA-AZ onto BA-BZ and so forth. Eventually when you get to ZZ, then you increase the digits to three letters, AAA-AAZ. The way hexes are labelled currently (A-Z, AA-ZZ, AAA-ZZZ) increases the number of letters much faster than if incremented in the standard way described above. I also think that the letter increment being shared between two columns of hexes causes the letters to be used up to quickly. The first column follows this series: A1, C1, E1, and so forth. I would have expected: A1, B1, C1 for the 1 column. The 2 column starts like this: B2, D2, F2... Again, I would have expected A2, B2, C2, etc. Another change I would like to see the labels start the same size of label, so if two digit letters and numbers, then AA01 to AX50. That should be all that is needed for a 50 x 50 hex map, instead of the GGGG49 I got. Steps to Reproduce the Problem Create a new page, set the page to 50 x 50 units (1 unit = 70 pixels). Set the grid to be 1 unit, Using Euclidean Diagonals, Type: Hex (H). Description of Your Setup OS: Windows 7 64bit WebBrowser: Chrome 40.0.2214.115 Screen Resolution: 1920x 1200 Color Depth: 24 bit Browser Size: 1403x778 IP Address: Javascript: Enabled Flash Version: 16.0.-1 Cookies: Enabled If there are any other details or information I could provide, please let me know. LDJ

Edited 1424883532
Stephen Koontz
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Lloyd, try changing the unit of measurement to from 1 unit = 5 feet to 1 unit = 1 hex in vertical hexes and I think you'll get the sizing dimensions you want. I'll take a look at why horizontal hexes don't seem to be populating the right dimentions. As for the labelling that's not really a bug but a feature you'd like us to impliment differently. I'd recommend you make a post in the Suggestion and Ideas forum.