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New DM for 5e Looking For (4-5) Players For New Campaign For Thursday, Feb 26 (EST, GMT-5) At/Around 7:00pm


Edited 1424890451
Who I am... A veteran of 4th Edition D&D (DM and Player), experienced survivor of 3rd Edition (Player) and fresh blood of 5th Edition (DM and Player). My name is Nathan, but I go by Ragnarok when I DM given my streak of world-ending threats against players in 4th edition (including my infamous Tarresque fart, which killed 2 players). I am a rather serious RPer, but I am not akin to a stone wall in such things. I have my goofy times. Who I Seek... Would it be too cruel to say 'I am looking for a few players who aren't afraid to die'? I dislike 'easy' challenges for my players because I feel that the experience and treasure they gain from it just doesn't hold the same weight. Sure, a pack of dire rats at first level is a difficult challenge, but it can be more memorable than, say, a few kobolds in a cave. Especially if those dire rats happened to belong to the crazed Witchdoctor of Gruumsh that the players had met earlier that day. That being said, I don't intend to kill players off. It just happens sometimes, and you should be prepared. If you have a microphone, a skype account and a decent sense of humor, as well as the thirst for adventure and the patience to deal with a DM who is entirely new to 5th Edition, then feel free to reply with your desired character. However! The following is how I would like the group to be structured, so pick a role: 1 or 2 Tanks ( Tank: The front-line member intending to have high AC and the ability to absorb blows. Not necessarily capable of dealing out massive amounts of damage. ) [Taken by Paladin can have 1 more] 1 Healer-Caster ( Healer: A caster-class who is capable of aiding the party with buffs, de-buffing enemies and restoring HP to the party. Cleric, Druid or Paladin classes apply. ) 1 Stealth-Based Class ( Stealth-based Class: A character who primarily focuses on dexterity and has features that aid the use of Stealth, Slight of Hand, Lock Picking, etc.) [Taken by Monk] 1 or 2 Damaged-based Class ( Damage-based Class: A character who is able to put out as much damage as possible, or is the major contributor in the party. Rogues, Monks, Sorcerers, Wizards, Fighters and Barbarians apply. ) [Taken by Sorcerer, Fighter] Where We Will Go... I actually don't have much in the realm of world development done, so I was hoping that whoever applied would be alright with me 'winging' it for a few sessions until I get the gist of 5e down on the DM side. This could mean that the world we live in for the first few sessions will be temporary, or I might just start fleshing it out afterwards. I do know that we will be starting out in a village, as detailed below. Given that, there are likely a few things that may or may not work out in 5th edition that I used to use in 4th/3.5e. The Village of Two Harbors Population: Roughly 200 (Around 170 civilians, 20 guards and 10 significant NPCs) Ruler: The village does not have any nobility of any kind, but is ran by a Mayor, who is named Rasmund. Defenses: A wooden Pallisade surrounds the village's perimeter, giving minimal protection from the wild and its denizens. The pallisade is made from Huge-sized trees and stands roughly twenty feet tall. A barrack for the town's tiny militia force of 20 guards sits at the edge of town along the palisade. The palisade has four towers lining the outwer wall, each made of timber and offering little protection, but is the only place for archers to shoot out from the palisade. Available Services: Jormun's Inn and Tap: The center of town holds an Inn and Tavern called Jormun's Inn and Tap. It is ran by Jormun Grey-eye and his son Joffery Grey-eye, and offers rooms for travelers as well as food and drink. Trosk's Ironforge: An elderly orc by the name of Trosk runs this forge which offers repairs and also smiths new items. Apothecary: An apothecary ran by Ulund Yormane, a gnome, sits at the edge of town and offers potions and remedies for travelers. I suspect the players will have a heavy amount of dealings with how the town develops if we don't scrap it when I learn more about the DM side of 5e. This could mean that the players will have rudimentary tasks such as designating jobs for the townsfolk to expand the town. If the players would be interested in this kind of play, we could assume that games which have the players returning to the town at the end will have a period of 5 days between the current session and the next where the players can designate tasks for the town to do in order to develop. I do not know. Application Template Player Name: Character Name: Do you have Skype?: Do you have a working mic?: Post these four questions and your answers (or just a numbered series of answers) below in your reply if interested, or post whatever comments/questions you wish to ask/state.

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Player Name: Julio Character Name: (still deciding) Do you have Skype?: yes: superfly1101 Do you have a working mic?: yes I also got a buddy that'd be down to play.
Hey there. Player Name: JP Character Name: Grell Class: Monk (I will be playing a stealthy type monk) Skype: suey.rift working mic: yes
Player Name: Alex Character Name: Aiden Moonridge class sorcerer Do you have Skype?: alex.wendt7 Do you have a working mic?: yes
Player Name: Trevor Character Name: Sil Thane Do you have Skype?: Blizzxx Do you have a working mic?: Yes
Player Name: John Character Name: Darion Price Do you have Skype?: Yep! Do you have a working mic?: Definitely Hello! My name is John, im 23 years old and im relatively new to 5e. I'd love to play a Battle Master Fighter, focused on using a reach weapon to control the battlefield so I suppose its somewhat of a hybrid between the "tank" and "damage dealer" you described. Having less AC than a fighter who uses a shield, but using the reach combined with the battle master maneuvers to disarm/trip/push away threats. Hopefully I can join you in your campaign and we can have some awesome adventures together!
1. Brent 2. Taelenn Thornleaf 3. Yep 4. Yep I would love to play a support bard if that would fit in the group dynamic.
Digging the concept. Player Name: Ben Character Name: Grachus Do you have Skype?: Yes, & cam Do you have a working mic: Yes, & cam Concept - Grachus is a dwarf that loves poetry about mountains, stonecrafting, and amorous relationships with anything furry (in case you have issues, that would technically include dwarven women). I'd role up as a cleric with a suitable domain (really not sure, thinking this on the fly - would like to do something a little goofy + heavy armor.) Let me know if there's space, cheers.
Name - Travis Character Name - Oreth Valeran Skype? - Yes Mic? - Yes I've been DMing dnd 4e and 5e for a while and want to experience being a player. I would like to be a Tank Fighter who is all about being able to protect and shield others from harm. He is neutral and will do whatever it takes to keep his party safe even if it means giving his life for a friend. He uses a One handed axe and tower shield with chain armor. He always wants to go first or be next to whoever is first. Even though he wants to keep everyone safe he will oblige when told otherwise for that said person but will keep an eye on them and jump in if necessary. Also i have an idea for a healer. He is good and against causing harm in less it is the only option. I try to heal and keep my friends feeling happy and healthy at all times. I use a 1 handed mace and shield with chain mail. Whenever possible I try to stay a back and keep heals on friends or use ranged damage on my foes. I always try to find other ways besides fighting to complete an objective even if it means paying or doing some sort of task that doesnt result in others being hurt. Message me if there is room and who you want and I would be glad to join.

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Sheet Author
Player Name: Saitama Character Name: Tanky McTankerson (Not serious, I'll come up with something if I get invited) Do you have Skype?: Yes Do you have a working mic?: Yes Hi, I'd like to join if you still have room. I'll happily fill one of the tank roles or the healer role if the tank ones are not available. I'm on EST and 7pm works well for me, I have skype, a sense of humor, and I've only played 5e so it's all I know. If you need more info feel free to PM me. Hope to hear from you.
Player Name: Nolan Walker Character Name: Zoltan Do you have Skype?: Yes Do you have a working mic?: Yes Hey I would like to take part in the game as a Hill Dwarf druid or a Human Fighter, if you have room. I have played a good amount of 5e and have extensive knowledge of the rules.
All the roles are filled now, and we have six people total currently playing.