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API script for wild dice in D6 system

Hello, I was recently told that it may be possible to have an API script for the function of the wild die in the D6 system. What the wild die does is if its a 6, it then rerolls the die keeping all the dice, but if its a one it removes the highest roll of the lot. I know there's already the exclamation after the die for the exploding part within the roll20 options but currently I see no way to do the later part of the wild die, meaning the taking the highest roll out of the lot. So I was wondering if anyone knew how to either make a script to do that or if one existed ?
The Aaron
API Scripter
Yes, it can be done. You can look at my ZombieDice script to get an idea of how to do it. Alternatively, if you can specify what you need with the D6 system rolls, someone might whip something up for you.
well I would like it so when a D6 is rolled it can as a 6 roll again until it is no longer a 6 and then add the sum, also if it rolls a 1 take off the highest roll of all the dice rolled with it unless it was a 1 rolled after the initial D6. This is because the wild die is only one of the bunch rolled and only applies negatively to the first roll after which it can only be positive.

Edited 1424996117
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Without API, you can use something like /roll 3d6+1d6! However, that won't remove the maximum die when the wild die rolls a 1, which is all you'd need the API for.
yea I know that part, and yes I was hopeing someone here knew how to do an API for the removal part.
The Aaron
API Scripter
So only one die is a wild die? 3d6 + 1Wd6 might be: 1 4 5 w4 = 14 1 4 5 w6 3 = 19 1 4 5 w1 = 5
That's correct except the 1 off the wild die would still count in the last example which is the negative crit.
The Aaron
API Scripter
So it would be totaled as 6? One more: 1 1 1 w1 = 4
The Aaron
API Scripter
So, would you prefer something like: !wild [[4d6]] Where the last d6 is considered the wild die, or !wild [[3d6]] Where a d6 wild die is added?
It's would be 3 because one die must be removed, and forgive me but dont understand the last question .
Ex - I have a Dex of 4 and a ranged of 4 the normal roll is 4d6+4, now I would like if possible to make the last die rolled on the 4d6 to be this "wild die". I'm not sure if that's what you asked though lol.
All dice are d6 (its the d6 system). For all important rolls, you roll a number of dice, add them all together, and throw a modifier on top (skill rank, equipment modifier, etc). The Wild Die replaces one of the dice, before it is rolled. For example: if you were suppose to roll 4d6+3, you would roll 3d6, the wild die, and then add +3 to the total. Special parts" explodes on a 6 (on a 6, reroll and add). If you roll a 1 on the initial toss of the die , it will take itself and the highest die rolled with it. However, certain rolls never suffer the negative effects of wild die; damage, for example, can explode but not lose dice. Couple of examples (the wild die is the bold one): We roll 4d6 and get: 1, 5, 6, 3 . total is 15 (neither 1 nor 6 appeared on the wild die. We roll 4d6 and get: 2, 5, 1, 1 . Total is 3, because the wild die was a 1 and took the 5 away. We roll 4d6, and get 5, 2, 1, 6 . We re-roll the 6 and get another 6, so we re-roll that again (damn dice are loaded, I know it) and get a 1. Total is 5+3+1+6+6+1= 22 because the 1 was only bad on the initial toss. There, I think I covered all the bases. I think. Maybe. Its late, but I hope this makes things easier to understand.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Yeah, much appreciated! One thing you said contradicts the OP I think. You said in an initial roll of 1 on the wild die, the 1 and the heist die are removed, whereas he said only the highest die and only if it is not a 1. Can an either of you confirm which is correct?
The Aaron
API Scripter
MindlessCalm said: Ex - I have a Dex of 4 and a ranged of 4 the normal roll is 4d6+4, now I would like if possible to make the last die rolled on the 4d6 to be this "wild die". I'm not sure if that's what you asked though lol. Yup, that's what I was asking!
From the d6 Space book: Wild Die Whenever any player, including the gamemaster, makes any roll, one of the dice must be different from the rest (in size or color). Designated as the Wild Die, this odd die represents the vagaries of life — like the direction of the wind affecting the flight of a bullet — that are too small to warrant their own difficulty modifiers. Example: Your character’s Agility attribute is 3D+1, so if your character tried to jump onto a table, you would roll two regular dice and one Wild Die. If the player has only 1D to roll, then that one die is always the Wild Die. If the player rolls a 6 on the Wild Die, this is called a Critical Success and she may add the 6 to her total and roll the Wild Die again. As long as she turns up Critical Successes on that die, she may continue to add them to her total and continue to roll. If she rolls anything other than a 6, she adds that number to the total and stops rolling. If the player rolls a 1 on the initial toss of the Wild Die, this is called a Critical Failure , and the gamemaster may chose one of two options for the result, depending on the gravity of the situation. The Critical Failure cancels out the highest roll. Then the player adds the remaining values, and the roll is determined normally. Add the dice results normally, but a complication occurs. The gamemaster gauges the significance of the complication by the total generated — from a funny, “nearly didn't do it” result for a high total to a serious, “we have a problem” obstacle for a low total. When using the second option, make certain the complication chosen relates to the task attempted. It should serve as an extra, minor obstacle the characters must now deal with or, more often, as a place to insert a bit of comic relief. Only on rare occasions (such as numerous poor decisions by the players) should a complication be without solutions or even deadly. The complications can also serve as opportunities to bring nearly invincible characters down to a more reasonable level. Note: Unlike rolling a Critical Failure initially on the Wild Die, no complications occur when a 1 shows up on later tosses of the Wild Die in the same roll. ...and that's all I know about it.
What John W. said. In the plain vanilla D6 System rules, there's actually nothing about dropping any dice for a critical failure, just the exploding 6 for a critical success.
As John posted, I think you keep the initial roll of 1 on but remove one die , being the highest one. If I am incorrect, I'm sorry perhaps i'm reading it wrong. However I would like it to work as with the rules =), if possible.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Ok, I think that's enough clarity for me. This should be a pretty straight forward modification to my ZombieDice script, I'll see if I can turn this out over the weekend. =D
Awesome , thanks
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The Aaron said: Yeah, much appreciated! One thing you said contradicts the OP I think. You said in an initial roll of 1 on the wild die, the 1 and the heist die are removed, whereas he said only the highest die and only if it is not a 1. Can an either of you confirm which is correct? As with other game systems used across multiple titles, I believe there are small variances in the d6 system between games.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Version 0.1 is ready! Commands !wd &lt; inline roll &gt; -- Takes the inline rolls dice and treats the last die as the Wild Die. If the Wild Die is a 6, it continues rolling more 6 sided dice as long as a six is rolled and adds them to the pool and calculates a total. If the Wild Die is a 1, it calculates both a Critical Fail total and a Complication total. With all totals created, it outputs the list of dice in the order they were rolled, color coded. White is a regular roll, red is the wild die, green are any bonus dice, and grey are dice marked off for a Critical Fail. Appropriate totals are shown underneath. !wwd &lt;inline roll&gt; -- Identical to above, but is whispered to the GM only. Here are 4 examples rolls. The first 3 use the command !wd [[6d6]] , the last one is !wwd [[6d6]] : GIT: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
You are awesome. Thanks!
The Aaron
API Scripter
No worries! Let me know if you need any enhancements!
Awesome! Now, I have to dig out my D6 books, LOL! The Aaron, I was playing with the script and it appears to me that 'pips' are not counted in the dice roll. In the D6 System, you have have 'pips' which are rated as +1 or +2 and are added to the dice rolled. For example, if I had a STR of 4d6+2 then three d6s plus a Wild Die d6 would be rolled and totaled with the +2 pips added to the total roll.

Edited 1425181731
The Aaron
API Scripter
Ah, you are correct. I'm just looking at the raw dice. I'll see about pushing out a correction for that... WildDice v0.2 -- Added Pips! These are generated from the command: !wd [[6d6+11]] It would look the same for any of these commands though: !wd [[6d6+1+3+7]] !wd [[6d6+3+@{selected|bar1}]] You do need to have the d6's first and in one group. I'll fix that at a later point... GIT: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Aaron, did I mention this is awesome? It is awesome. Thanks for making it.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Hahahaha, no problem. Hope someone's getting some use out of it. =D

Edited 1430193073
Pierre S.
The last example (if you take away the Wild Die and the 5) only adds up to 12+11 = 23. So why does it show 24 Crit Fail? Oops, my mistake. In my version of the D6 rules from Men in Black, the Wild Die is taken away if it is a 1. But that doesn't seem to be the implementation in other games.