In the search for a GM for either Shadowrun4 or Exalted on tuesday
nights, around 8EST. Our group as-is, have been trading off running
Shadowrun sessions every couple of weeks (i.e., between runs), so some
characters have more karma than others, but are still already created
and experienced. We're willing to make any changes necessary however,
but the characters were created with very minimal resources, and
relatively tight on restrictions, to ease both of us running into the
game without overwhelming ourselves by having to know everything. The
time is largely non-negotiable at the moment. I apologize about this in
advance, but it is necessary for the group to continue playing.
There are four players as-is, with one more who has had to leave
due to time commitments. If you are a player interested, it'll be on a
basis of "Ask the interested GM." We will be blunt with anyone, player
or GM, interested generally before, or after the first session, it'll
come down to: "If we like you, we will ask to continue gaming with you;
if not, we will, also, let you know." The group of us have been gaming
together for several years at this point, and thus, are very comfortable
with telling people what we do and do not like. Unfortunately, that
means we can come off as abrasive at times. Just tell us straight, and
we'll smarten up. Also, that means, should we like you, it's an open
invitation to -other- games we play, where you will likely also get a
chance at being a player.
We're a story-heavy group, though, have a tendency towards action at times. Sessions can devolve into nothing beyond roleplay, should you let us.
The game is less important; we're playing Shadowrun, but all of us have
ideas for Exalted, should that be preferred instead. I think we'd like to continue playing SR, but not every GM may enjoy the characters, or focus, we have, and that's understandable.
If you are interested, please either PM here, via email, or on skype @ nakiitae