Hi, guys... Wondering if something has been made to do this or make it possible to do this--hadn't seen anything in a search of forums and the repository, but I might not know what I'm looking for. :-P What I'm looking to do is use an API script (assuming that's even necessary...and assuming it's possible) to use character auras to show the potential range of an attack when the attack ability is initiated on a character. Effectively, I think what I need is a line of code I'd input at the start of an ability that sets the aura to show up before the player clicks on a target, and then a second line that sets the aura to disappear once the rest of the ability has run. Theoretically. O_O So basically it would be: Player clicks on ability Show aura Player selects target Rolls are run Results are shown Aura disappears Ability ends I guess the script would need to include input fields for the aura size and maybe for the color (that way different colors could be used for attacks or healing, maybe). The aura size is the main thing, though. Ideally maybe it could also be able to set either aura 1 or aura 2 so that I could use aura 2 to display the range where you can still attack but at a penalty. It would need to be usable by players and GM so that I can put it into abilities the players would be clicking. Is there anything out there already that could do this that I'm just missing? My apologies if this is obvious. O_O