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GM Looking for INTEREST in strict sandbox AD&D(1e/2e) for Sunday Nights; Possibly Other Times..

TIME FRAME: 8pm-12pm EST Sundays. An opening may be available Thusdays. I would start this campaign March 29 or later. ABOUT ME: I am PUFF. I have interest in running an old school homebrew campaign here on ROLL20. The details of this campaign are open and not finalized, and contingent on other players and DMs. I have run a campaign in IRC before, with great success. Also, I ran a campaign on ROLL20 with "some" success. My previous campaigns were text only, with maps. Future campaigns I would like to run would be the opposite: speech and/or video with few maps provided by the DM. This should explore the "theater of the mind" and not reduce the game to tactical combat. The goal of this campaign is to create adversity that may in fact kill your PC off. You may have to reroll a character. Some Rules/Aspects of the Campaign: Experience, Gold, and Treasure will be difficult to acquire. Low ability generation (3d6) for realistic/palpable characters Video/Speech based roleplaying Some things I would like to encourage in the campaign: Team oriented play / Team Respect Problem solving > Skirmishes Character development/Acting (Roleplay) Letting the dice determine the fate of PCs Some things I would like to discourage/avoid: Meta playing and min-maxing behavior Rules Lawyers "Heroic characters" / entitled backstories / overbearing play Some things I would like to consider: Running the campaign world with multiple parties, on multiple nights. Running the campaign world with multiple DMs; collaboration. Creating a world that is organic and changing based on multiple parties activities I would like to hear what Players and DMs have to say about this "sketch" I have for running a campaign. If you are interested in playing, or DMing, please post or PM me. Thanks.
Similar in spirit to the campaign I'm in the process of starting up, except I'm using the 5E rules and text comms rather than voice/video. I didn't widely advertise but got a good bit of interest, so I hope your game goes well. In particular I'm interested in exploring how well TotM works on roll20. I can't commit to DM another regular campaign and I don't have a ton of player-time availability either, but I'd certainly be interested in talking shop. "Experience, Gold, and Treasure will be difficult to acquire." I suspect this might be a hard sell for some, although it's vague what "difficult" means. I made my pitch as a high risk/reward opportunity: you might easily die, but if you're clever, you might stumble upon some sweet treasure too.

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I'm going to have to sit down and take a long look at 5e now. There are a lot of people switching up from 1e/2e to the 5e rules. A campaign like I suggested is a hard sell all around. I don't think there's much interest in it, and as for my vague use of "Experience, Gold, and Treasure will be difficult to acquire" I had to think about it, and realized that "difficult" basically sums up the campaign altogether. Nothing is just a given, nothing is simple or easy. Can't expect to go 150 feet into a cave and score 200gp from a monster. Otherwise, who would resign to being a farmer? or miller? or soldier for that matter? For me personally I find the potential for loss and difficulty would make the campaign, and any success in the campaign, all the more rewarding. Maybe I need to just stop reading the Hackmaster manuals.. they're putting crazy ideas in my head. Thanks for your input Drew K, I'm interested in talking shop too, and hope to find more opportunities for exploring these aspects of gaming. If a game doesn't materialize for my Sunday nights, I will run a campaign locally for a couple friends.

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If you'd consider using the ACKS system (which is basically AD&D but with players actually taking control of land at high level etc) I'd definitely be interested. EDIT: Well, I'd be interested if it didn't start at 00:00 GMT. :P
How are you about having inexperienced players?
I started with AD&D 1e back in the day and am highly interested in a difficult, classically-styled 1e campaign. Would love a bit of a nostalgia trip, and it's still my favorite system to play. Looking to be your Halfling Thief!
Woppet, excellent to hear.. is sunday good for you? Rothak, in some ways an inexperienced player can be better than players with experience. I suppose it comes down to expectations . Some parts of the campaign may seem harsh, like your character's "roughing it" and not a shiny hero riding high, but a rough-worn adventurer trying to scratch out an existence.
Puff, yea I got no problems with roughing it out, rerolling chars and so on. If I did I wouldnt have replied :) That said ofc I will have expectations etc but all that would be taken care of within a session or two or even before that I would imagine.
Puff, I would be interested in playing in your game. Being an old-school DM myself, I would look forward the type of campaign you are proposing. Sunday nights should work for me, I am in the Central US time zone. Based on your description, I assume you're going to stick with core rulebooks only, regardless of which edition you settle on? I do have hard copies of both the 1st and 2nd edition core rulebooks.
I have a pretty flexible work schedule, and should be able to reliably secure Sunday nights off.
This sounds like it would be great fun. Unfortunately I'm pretty maxed out on Sundays but I wanted to give you guys some encouragement! I'm sure it will be great. If people are put off by low loot and less powerful characters then you don't want play with them anyway! Have fun!
I also might be able to recruit a friend who's interested in this campaign, if you happen to have an extra slot. Wouldn't want to presume :)
Alright, seems there's a lot of interest in a campaign like this. I'm going to start putting information together. As noted, the campaign would start March 29th or later. Anyone who is interested will be considered and invited, if they've posted in this thread.
I agree 5e looks like it could be fun and I've got the book for that one as it is a bit newer than the 1e but I'm easy either way as far as the whole voice/ video chat thing goes im not real keen on it but if someone wants to keep an eye on the chat room I think I'll be okay as most of my ideas come thru a whole lot better in the chat room (I have a speech impediment that make speaking quite difficult for me) all that being said I can't wait to get started. I've always found it odd that more people didnt go adventuring but then I guess I understand it now a little better or I will in puffs game. :) take care everyone and have a great day!
Im fairly new but am interested.