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What are you folks looking for in your Tokens?

John Youngeagle
Marketplace Creator
I'm going to begin work on some token packs for the Marketplace sometime in the near future, and would like some input from the community here on Roll20 on what you guys are most interested in? The first token sets I've begun work on will be Sci-Fi themed, seeing as how there doesn't seem to be much in the way of space-opera/futuristic tokens on the Marketplace right now. What I have in the works will cover everything from gritty power-suited space marines to retro Flash Gorden/ST:TOS-types, all top-down full-body tokens. Nolan tells me that most of the community is looking for high fantasy-style tokens, but there seems to be quite a selection of those up for sale already. I was also wondering if folks would like to see anything in the way of more 'icon-style' tokens? (aka: close-ups of character/creature faces, such as <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) Well, let me know. I'm looking for all kinds of feedback.
I much prefer the icon styles of token for PCs and non-icon for NPCs. Very easy distinction.
I'd kill for a bunch of renaissance/restoration/pirate/swashbuckler type tokens but I suspect that I'm in the minority.
I LOVE top-down full-body tokens personally. Sci-fi tokens in this style are hard to come buy and would be awesome. Tokens for the L5R setting would be great. Deadlands setting tokens. The best thing I would think is to look at the most popular games and make tokens designed for those games and settings. Most of the time those tokens will still fit into bigger setting styles too. For instance tokens made after the L5R game system would still work in most any Oriental based game too.
Icon-style is my preference; however, top-down tokens are doable if you include a "base" on them. Otherwise, I find they tend to get lost on textured backgrounds.
I'd kill for a bunch of renaissance/restoration/pirate/swashbuckler type tokens but I suspect that I'm in the minority. Makes two of us! :) (Renaissance, specifically)
I'd kill for a bunch of renaissance/restoration/pirate/swashbuckler type tokens but I suspect that I'm in the minority. Makes two of us! :) (Renaissance, specifically) I have some swashbucklers on my blog, if it can help: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (most have a dismounted and mounted version and there is a carriage with them)
@ Ellmo There are also some Deadlands tokens and maps (specifically those I used to play the "Don't drink the water" scenario). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Those tokens have associated portraits. I hope Roll20 shall make it possible to use this feature in the future.
Suggestions for upper view tokens : - Call of Cthulhu - AD&D Monster Manual 1 tokens - Horses and other animals (I know many are already available but could not find a mountain lion for ex.) - More PC tokens for every class - NPC tokens : sect acolytes,and good / evil priests, tavern / city inhabitants (beggars, thieves, assassins, guards with cape color variants), merchants... Visual Effect tokens : mist, gas/poison cloud, dragon breath (cone, cloud), spell effects (fireball, lightning bolt etc)...
I'm a fan of a combination of types of tokens, either square-bordered (which is what I've designed and am trying to make for my roll20 Final Fantasy game), or round bordered (matches the 4e-style of tokens). I do like the idea of AoE tokens too; cone, line, etc. ala the D&D AoE notation.
I've had trouble finding good D&D / Pathfinder Bard tokens of any race in the viewer, so those would be nice. Especially Halfling, because I just really like halflings :D
matt p.
Marketplace Creator
@Patrick; I didn't know you made tokens! Those are adorable! @topic; I prefer using full-body low-oblique-perspective tokens for my games. I like how they look standing next to eachother, and it's easy for me to show who's down by rotating them sideways.
I'd like a fantasy hero set with readable labels on the token saying simply, Rogue, Wizard, Dwarf, etc something that would make it easy to distinguish one player character from another quickly. Talk about adding a pop up name on a token has already been discussed, but until that would happen this might be an alternative. Something as simple as these, I just labeled someone else's work but I did it in MS Paint and that will not save transparency.
Hm. It's possible to add new overlays to TokenTool (from RPTools), so with a graphics program and some token images, you could pretty easily kludge together a labeling system. I'll give it a shot. ...and it works. It's probably best if you're creating multiple tokens with the same label, of course; if you just want to label your own, you are just as well off editing the image in a program like GIMP or Photoshop (so you can preserve transparency if you need to).
@ matt: Thanks. I remember there was discussion about using isometric maps (for which your kind of standing tokens would work well). @ Jeff and Chris: I think there would be a problem with labeling directly on top-down tokens, because if you rotate them, the label also rotates. There is a discussion somewhere on the forum about having the name of the token visible above or under it. Wouldn't it be a better idea (this way your label doesn't rotate with the token) or is it something different from what you want?
The Health bar on the token doesn't rotate, how about an option to use the other bars (which I haven't really figured out what you would use them for) to apply a Name or Short Phrase. I know it would be small but seems doable.
I suppose it should be doable. And if it works like health bar, it could be turned off (I mean left empty) by peoples not wanting to use it. Maybe you could make a suggestion thread about it.
Oh, absolutely I think the token label should be a separate thing integrated into Roll20, that can be set to "always on" or "mouseover." I am surprised that token labels weren't a feature from the start, to be honest, but I assume Riley et al either just didn't think of it (one of those blind spots), or thought it would mess with immersion. Direct token labeling is a kludgy stopgap only, and yeah on a top-down token it would be problematic. On the other hand, I rarely use top-down tokens so I didn't really, um, think of that problem until you mentioned it. :D
John Youngeagle
Marketplace Creator
Thanks guys! Getting some good feedback from you all, here. I hadn't even considered any Deadlands-compatable content, and I'm personally fond of the swashbuckler/Enlightenment-era fantasy setting myself. I'll try and keep some of this in mind for future projects! The first two projects I'm going to be working on will be just to 'test the water' as it where. See what folks like in my art style, etc. The first will be some top-down "Power Suit-Space Marine" sci-fi tokens, which I'm trying to make generic enough to use in anything from Fallout GURPS to WH40k. The second will be some high-fantasy 'portrait' style tokens, divided by class and gender (starting out with humans, and if folks like them I'll take suggestions on what fantasy races to do next). Keep on posting, though! Myself and other artists can use your feedback to help bring better and better token-selection to the Marketplace.
Personally voting for round bordered image tokens, not the top downs. I like faces and pictures, and the top-downs just can't express the personality.
For this kind of tokens, the best solution is probably using tokentool. There is a lot of illustrations on the net and they can be turned into tokens very quickly with it. You can even make your own borders depending on the setting you play (or one border for showing a mounted token, like I did when I was using them, cf. attachment)). Tokentool: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> My own preference is a top down token, giving a tactical view (because portraits view don't show orientation, except if there is an arrow to show it), associated with a portrait for personality. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I would kill for some great Props, Top Down please, a nice pile of bones and skulls, a well, a few statues, some good looking piles of debris, a mounted animal head, pile of lumber, a few more corpses, more blood and gore patches, you get my drift. Props more props!