So I've been messing around with the new roll templates trying to redo all my macros to utilize them making for some cleaner rolls and well... I've run into a bit of a snag... First off the Notes section... I saw this section as a great opportunity to reduce the number of queries in my rolls thus speeding up my roll process. In order to do this cleanly I was wanting to post each effect on a seperate line in the notes section... thus far I have not had any luck figuring out how to do so... Next I was wondering if there is any way as a user to define a new flag... for example, my attacks have a 50% miss chance and I was wanting to create a flag on a d100 roll that would output " Miss " at the end of an attack roll if it rolled <50 on the d100 Finally, is there any way to configure the Full Attack roll to roll a number of attacks based off the characters base attack? For example, my character only gets 2 attacks from her base attack bonus, however she can get a full set of 4 attacks should she cast her divine power spell beforehand...