I've got a bit of an odd situation and I'm not entirely sure if it's even possible to set up the dice roll to work for this... but... Is there a way to set up a roll with the 3.5 templates using both the new 1d20cs>@{critrange} and 1d20! but only have the critical strike check look at the last die rolled? We're playing with a rule where a natural 20 on an attack roll is not an automatic hit but rather allows you to roll another d20 and add that result to your roll repeating every time you roll a 20. However an attack is only considered a critical if the final d20 is a critical threat for you. For Example: my character crits on a 12+ so if I were to roll a 20 for her attack and still not hit an enemy's AC I would then roll another d20 and add that to my attack roll if that result is enough to hit and the second d20 is >12 then I scored a critical otherwise it's just normal damage and the critical damage section should remain hidden. Edit: My DM has mentor status, so if this would require a custom template to be made then I'm sure I can get him to add it if someone could post the code for it.