Hi I'm new to macros and was trying to create one that picked the higher of a rolled value and a max value /me ...[[(DIE ROLL CALCULATION, MAX)kh1]]... The calculation works fine, but does not output the max value when the calculation is above the max, it just keeps the calculated value. So, I'm guessing I haven't coded this correctly, but I can't find anything to help me out. All the examples use /roll. Can you not use [[...]] with the keep highest/lowest die function? the full code is: [[@{LEVEL} + (ceil((1d20+ @{CHA})/3) - 4), 4)kh1]] The entire sequence is: /me holds forth a glowing holy symbol and turns or rebukes a total of [[2d6 + @{LEVEL} + @{CHA}]] hit die of creatures up to [[@{LEVEL} + (ceil((1d20+ @{CHA})/3) - 4), 4)kh1]] hit die each. which simulates the d&d 3.5 cleric turn undead check and damage (yes, I know I can make a simpler die roll and check the table...but I enjoy complicating my life :) ) Thanks