I have had a Few people drop out of my campaign due to their schedule I'm looking for 2 more players. Since I am a new GM and our players are pretty new to Pathfinders we would like to get some more people with little experience so we can all learn together!
We just ran the Price of Immortality arc and are moving on to The Rise of the Runelords. I'm just running Adventure paths for now.
We also like to Roleplay so and I'm Trying to add as much role playing opportunities in to the campaign as I can.
If you are interested here what you need to roll up!
Roll up a Level 1 character
Roll your stats by rolling 4d6 and drop the lowest die
Standard gold
The Classes We already have
A wizard
A Rouge
A Fighter
A Barbarian
We are just about to finish the last tiny bit of our current arc and about to start a Big one so now is the perfect time to join!
Also I forgot We play Every Friday 8pm Central and end some where around 12am Central and thats pretty set in stone so make sure that time works for you