(So this is the second time I'm typing this big post, god damnit roll20)
So, I am going to DM 5 different games, and I'm looking for interested players. Generally I am looking for people that want to have fun roleplaying and playing a good game, rather than rollplayers/minmaxers out to 'win'. Take note though that if I'm lucky and get people for all of my games, there are some that's going to have to wait until they get to play their first game, since I am in that case not going to be able to start all of them at the same time, it could take up to a couple of weeks.
What I am going to do for all of these games is that I'm going to host a one-shot for the very first session. There's always a bummer when a player have to leave for whatever reason and the party which is established in the world has to find a new guy to team up with and the game might be put on hold while the search is going on. So if the players doesn't mix well with eachother or there are any other problems, at least that can be fixed after the one-shot, and the actual campaign doesn't get interrupted.
I am looking to play at every day except wednesday, thursday & sunday, and the time to start would be anything between 3pm - 6pm GMT. I generally like to play for about 5 hours, give or take some, but the players own wishes will also be taken into account for this. I am looking for 4-5 players for each game, except D&D 3.5, and you can read the reasoning for that below.
Now then, on to the games themselves.
D&D 3.5: This is the only game that has started already. The group is midway through the very first oneshot, and a player had to leave (Turns out oneshots are a good idea for game starts), so I'm looking for 1-2 players that wants to join in on the fun. The game setting is custommade, but it is very much like your classic sword-and-sorcery medieval fantasy setting. Some things you should know about this game is that I have houserules in play, but mostly they are very minor. There are things like houseruled flanking rules (only as to avoid the stupid congalines) and poison rules (because core D&D poison is weaksauce), as well as a critical injury table that WON'T be lopping off the characters arms left and right. Another big houserule is a warfare rule that basically introduces large scale battles & war for you to fight and/or lead, should it ever come to that. One last thing to mention, which might turn some people off, is that we will not actually be playing this one on roll20, since I cannot make good, big maps for D&D like I want it, so we're using another free to use program.
L5R: Legend of the Five Rings is another fantasy sword-and-sorcery game, but everything from the setting, to the very swords and sorcery itself, is based on eastern culture and mythology, rather than western. In this game you usually play a samurai or a ninja, and if you're into anime/manga or eastern culture, you probably know already what I'm talking about. Even though it contains magic, monsters, lots of swords and eastern culture, it will however not be an over-the-top wushu type combat game in the style of Samurai Warrior. Combat is dangerous and deadly, and living and dying by the sword is a lot less glamorous than anime would have you believe. (Well, depending on anime)
Edit: The version we're playing for L5R is the most recent, 4th edition.
SR5e: I am not even sure if that is the short version of the name, but whatever. Shadowrun 5e is a futuristic cyberpunk-ish game set in 2075. In this game you usually play as shadowrunner, which is basically the name of the guys that do the 'no questions asked' kind of jobs, which are often illegal. They do the jobs that other men are too unskilled, expensive or talkative for, and they quite literally run in the shadows, most of the time, working unseen and working fast. In shadowrun there is both magic and races such as elf, dwarf, orc and troll, but there are also technological advancment like cyberware, technological implants in your body that come with all kinds of different effects, even entire (and often deadly) prostethics in place of an arm, leg, or even head, as well as a Bioware variant of this. Bioware is the upgrade of your natural body by unnatural means, and it doesn't quite take as much of your humanity as big chunks of metal or plastics where bone and muscle used to be.
MHR: This stands for Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (game) and this is for the comicbook nerds out there, like me. In this, you create a superhero (or villain, if you prefer that kind of thing), and you can create and customize it to fit perfectly as you imagined him/her/it. It is very easy to learn and understand, and MHR doesn't have alot of complicated rules or details for every little power, which leaves alot of room for roleplaying. It is very easy for even the players to affect the story just as the DM (Which is called the Watcher in this game), hell, one recourse you're using are quite literally Plot Points, which you spend to make Plot Points, as the name suggest. This is a very good game if you want to roleplay and don't worry about the complicated stuff, while still having a surprising amount of depth. It is set in my custommade Marvel world, which is basically like the classic 616 counterpart with one difference: this world is very new to superheroes, Spiderman has been around for less than a year, the X-Men aren't publically known, The Avengers was recently formed, stuff like that.
Warhammer: This expertly named game is Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and it is a roleplaying version of the Warhammer miniature war game, except you only control your own character rather than an entire army, much like most other RPG's out there. For those of you that doesn't know, Warhammer takes place in a fairly classic fantasy setting, except it gots lot of brutality, dark humor and gore, and alliances are few and fragile. Nevertheless, without me wanting to talk about the story here, I can say that you don't have to worry about this being a character grind. Warhammer is a game where blood is often seen outside of peoples bodies, and it's not too unusual that an ogre tribe come rolling down from the hill to destroy a village and eat it's inhabitants. However, like my other games, I am going to have stories and roleplaying in it, this will not just be a brutal slugfest, altough your crazed slayer will still whetten his axe with the blood of greenskins at the mere sight of them.
Edit: The version we're playing for WFRP is the 2nd edition.
Well then, I hope to get some replies. Looking forward to play with you soon, unless you don't like my beard. Then rocks will fall on you.
...That's all, Dart out
So, I am going to DM 5 different games, and I'm looking for interested players. Generally I am looking for people that want to have fun roleplaying and playing a good game, rather than rollplayers/minmaxers out to 'win'. Take note though that if I'm lucky and get people for all of my games, there are some that's going to have to wait until they get to play their first game, since I am in that case not going to be able to start all of them at the same time, it could take up to a couple of weeks.
What I am going to do for all of these games is that I'm going to host a one-shot for the very first session. There's always a bummer when a player have to leave for whatever reason and the party which is established in the world has to find a new guy to team up with and the game might be put on hold while the search is going on. So if the players doesn't mix well with eachother or there are any other problems, at least that can be fixed after the one-shot, and the actual campaign doesn't get interrupted.
I am looking to play at every day except wednesday, thursday & sunday, and the time to start would be anything between 3pm - 6pm GMT. I generally like to play for about 5 hours, give or take some, but the players own wishes will also be taken into account for this. I am looking for 4-5 players for each game, except D&D 3.5, and you can read the reasoning for that below.
Now then, on to the games themselves.
D&D 3.5: This is the only game that has started already. The group is midway through the very first oneshot, and a player had to leave (Turns out oneshots are a good idea for game starts), so I'm looking for 1-2 players that wants to join in on the fun. The game setting is custommade, but it is very much like your classic sword-and-sorcery medieval fantasy setting. Some things you should know about this game is that I have houserules in play, but mostly they are very minor. There are things like houseruled flanking rules (only as to avoid the stupid congalines) and poison rules (because core D&D poison is weaksauce), as well as a critical injury table that WON'T be lopping off the characters arms left and right. Another big houserule is a warfare rule that basically introduces large scale battles & war for you to fight and/or lead, should it ever come to that. One last thing to mention, which might turn some people off, is that we will not actually be playing this one on roll20, since I cannot make good, big maps for D&D like I want it, so we're using another free to use program.
L5R: Legend of the Five Rings is another fantasy sword-and-sorcery game, but everything from the setting, to the very swords and sorcery itself, is based on eastern culture and mythology, rather than western. In this game you usually play a samurai or a ninja, and if you're into anime/manga or eastern culture, you probably know already what I'm talking about. Even though it contains magic, monsters, lots of swords and eastern culture, it will however not be an over-the-top wushu type combat game in the style of Samurai Warrior. Combat is dangerous and deadly, and living and dying by the sword is a lot less glamorous than anime would have you believe. (Well, depending on anime)
Edit: The version we're playing for L5R is the most recent, 4th edition.
SR5e: I am not even sure if that is the short version of the name, but whatever. Shadowrun 5e is a futuristic cyberpunk-ish game set in 2075. In this game you usually play as shadowrunner, which is basically the name of the guys that do the 'no questions asked' kind of jobs, which are often illegal. They do the jobs that other men are too unskilled, expensive or talkative for, and they quite literally run in the shadows, most of the time, working unseen and working fast. In shadowrun there is both magic and races such as elf, dwarf, orc and troll, but there are also technological advancment like cyberware, technological implants in your body that come with all kinds of different effects, even entire (and often deadly) prostethics in place of an arm, leg, or even head, as well as a Bioware variant of this. Bioware is the upgrade of your natural body by unnatural means, and it doesn't quite take as much of your humanity as big chunks of metal or plastics where bone and muscle used to be.
MHR: This stands for Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (game) and this is for the comicbook nerds out there, like me. In this, you create a superhero (or villain, if you prefer that kind of thing), and you can create and customize it to fit perfectly as you imagined him/her/it. It is very easy to learn and understand, and MHR doesn't have alot of complicated rules or details for every little power, which leaves alot of room for roleplaying. It is very easy for even the players to affect the story just as the DM (Which is called the Watcher in this game), hell, one recourse you're using are quite literally Plot Points, which you spend to make Plot Points, as the name suggest. This is a very good game if you want to roleplay and don't worry about the complicated stuff, while still having a surprising amount of depth. It is set in my custommade Marvel world, which is basically like the classic 616 counterpart with one difference: this world is very new to superheroes, Spiderman has been around for less than a year, the X-Men aren't publically known, The Avengers was recently formed, stuff like that.
Warhammer: This expertly named game is Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and it is a roleplaying version of the Warhammer miniature war game, except you only control your own character rather than an entire army, much like most other RPG's out there. For those of you that doesn't know, Warhammer takes place in a fairly classic fantasy setting, except it gots lot of brutality, dark humor and gore, and alliances are few and fragile. Nevertheless, without me wanting to talk about the story here, I can say that you don't have to worry about this being a character grind. Warhammer is a game where blood is often seen outside of peoples bodies, and it's not too unusual that an ogre tribe come rolling down from the hill to destroy a village and eat it's inhabitants. However, like my other games, I am going to have stories and roleplaying in it, this will not just be a brutal slugfest, altough your crazed slayer will still whetten his axe with the blood of greenskins at the mere sight of them.
Edit: The version we're playing for WFRP is the 2nd edition.
Well then, I hope to get some replies. Looking forward to play with you soon, unless you don't like my beard. Then rocks will fall on you.
...That's all, Dart out