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Copy/Extend Campaign

There is a bit of an odd problem that really isn't a major issue, but could lead to some confusion. It requires multiple players to reproduce. Start with the first campaign, invite players have them join this first campaign and remain in the campaign through out this reproduction scenario. As the GM of the first campaign, go into campaign setting and Copy/Extend Campaign. In my reproduction the only thing checked during the Copy/Extend Campaign was the "Players and Player Settings (Including Macros)" option. Log into the second campaign. In this second campaign you will see that all of the players that were joined to the first campaign are listed as active participants in the second campaign (their names show up as joined to the campaign along the bottom portion of the campaign window), however they are not really there. Their names will remain there until they log into the second campaign and subsequently exit the campaign (even if they exit the first campaign). Again, very simple solution, but it is a bit strange to be extending a campaign and begin working on it to see people already connected when you join it.
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
That's an obscure and weird bug! We'll take a look at it.

Edited 1428000204
Thanks for looking into it Steve. You want to know what is even stranger...I have the exact same API scripts running in 5 campaigns right now. In all of those campaigns I get the "Unexpected Token s" error after joining the campaign after a period of inactivity. I reported this problem in another bug thread . In 1 out of 5 campaigns running the same exact scripts... the campaign where I still have one of these "false" players in the campaign is the only campaign that I don't see the "Unexpected Token s" message. I thought maybe that this was simply because the API didn't shutdown due to activity because it thought a player was there, but when I checked it this morning I specifically saw the message that the API was shutdown due to inactivity and when I logged into the campaign the API started gracefully with no issues at all... might just be lucky and completely unrelated, but I found it a bit odd. In every other campaign after shutdown due to inactivity I get the "Unexpected Token s", I have tested it multiple times now and everything starts up happy and healthy: API sandbox shutdown due to campaign inactivity. Spinning up new sandbox... "(14:41) PowerCards version 2.4.11 loaded. Last updated: March 28th, 2015 ~ 2:50 am eastern" "JF Statblock ready"
It is worth noting that after a longer period of inactivity in this campaign, the "Unexpected Token s" problem returned. The original issue though still occurs and is 100% reproducible.
Sheet Author
I get the same bug Unexpected Token s error after a period of inactivity with my API scripts. it was gone for awhile but recently came back. I just restart the API scripts and I am good but it is weird that it does it in the first place. I also have he same bug that Kevin reported having people show up at the bottom but not connected to the game.