I searched and couldn't find a tread for optional custom Templates for 3.5 D&D Character Sheets, I am just learning Templates and using the basic one is great but when i get the Notes or Descriptor of the spell it puts it all on one side and makes the box realy long, is there a way to fix that or is there another Template I can use that is similar? The template I am using now is this ....... &{template:default} {{name=Eye Bleed}} {{School=Necromancy}} {{Components=V,S}} {{Casting Time=1 Standard Action}} {{Range=Close ([[25+5*@{casterlevel}/2]]ft)}} {{Duration=Instant}} {{Saving Throw:= Fort negates (DC=[[@{spelldc0}]]) }} {{Spell Resis.=Yes}} {{Notes=Upon finishing the spell, your targets eyes throb and they lose the ability to see, dealing 1 point of damage and blinding them for one round. Targets without discernible eyes are unaffected by this spell}}