Hello. I am running Windows XP(SP3), I have a Dell Optiplex 280 SFF with the 3.2 Ghz Processor, an Nvidea 9800 Gx Card, 1Gb of RAM, and I usually use Chrome to edit my campaigns, though sometimes I use Firefox. For some reason, my initial campaign named "Test" didn't save properly. I had one full encounter screen mapped, and another which was fully rendered, yet was not fully mapped. I was wondering how this could have happened. I am certainly no expert, and there could be an obvious reason I am overlooking. I do clear my browsing data regularly, especially before using Google Video/Roll20. I try not to mess with my settings too much when I use Roll20, including turning my ad-block and flash-block off. Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to let the PCs down. Thanks.