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Pathfinder, Central Time GM Looking for a few highly available players.

Hey guys. I'm a DM with about ten years of experience under my belt, and I'm looking for a few more players to fill out an established group. Currently, the campaign has advanced to level seven, but we haven't had a really central plot yet- it's mostly been small quests to help build up their base and reputation in the world. The central plot, however, is about to begin. The kind of players I'm looking for are players who want to interact with a living world. Players who will interact with NPCs for the fun of it instead of just to get what you need out of them and then off you go. This is not a campaign for min-maxing or the like. Another big bonus is high availability. We like to play whenever we get enough people to do so. There's no set schedule really, but we do recaps for the players who have missed sessions so that they're never too far behind. Generally speaking though, we play afternoons, evenings, and nights. So, please tell me a little about yourself as a player- tell me why you'd be a good fit. And if you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them.
Hi Gray, would be good to know if you have a regular time/day established. Sounds like it may be more freeform, though.
Hey I'm a little bit new to role playing but I would love to join your campaign I am free alot and love to mess with npc's, but a few things I like to roll play crazily, what kind of game are you running also I am still in school so that may be a problem
What's the basis of the world? Set in Golarion, or another world just with Golarion races/deities? or something all together different? What would we be building our characters into? Part of this elite group that finally established itself, or more directly involved with the big central plot?

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I would potentially be interested in playing, can we get some more information? What's your current party composition? You said you were pretty pro RP, how much combat do you end up doing? Would a fighter or barbarian be at Disadvantage with less skills or social abilities?

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Gamer of 12 years here. I have a very high narrative focus with a particular love of developing personal arcs. I'm also a huge fan of tragedy, and tend to invest heavily into games I feel immersed or otherwise drawn into. Generally, if my muse strikes, I will make a story happen. You can reach me on Skype(my handle is ampzaphrix, please lemme know who you are in your add request).
I'd be interested in a game like this, with a heavy RP Focus. I brainstorm characters first, before I start rolling for stats. I love a good narrative and a good story. I do enjoy interacting with NPCs, who mesh well with my characters. I currently have 2 games on a regular weekly basis and 1 on a bi-weekly basis, so my schedule is frequently open. I'd be interested in hearing more about your game.
Heya! My skype is ferelonshaderoot. Message me when you can!
Hey guys. I'm still looking for a few more players if anyone was interested in interacting with a living, breathing world.
Are you still looking for a player?