Justin said: Hey Coal? How long do you think they need to approve? If they come back with a "Wrath of God" reply can you let me know? Thanks! Vince said: Justin said: Coal... I'm sure you are a bada$$ at what you do but that's all greek to me. Should I be doing something or is it going to work now? Thanks! Once Pull Requests are made, it's a waiting game. As soon as the Devs(Steve K.) have the time, they(he) will process the PR and the community sheet will be updated auto-magically. Sometimes very soon, sometimes within the week. Cheers It appears to only take minutes, per pull request. It is finding those minutes amid the other madness that goes on in running the Roll20 site. So...usually no more than a week, but its all manual. From what I understand, Steve K. has to crawl through some tunnels dug under his facility, sneak pass a few genetic abominations, consult an oracle, sneak back pass the genetic abominations, ride a rickety elevator to the second floor, climb down some rusted pipes and broken ladders, and interview the Scoobie Doo gang. I was told the magic eight is not usually referenced, unless its a new sheet. Yes, I will inform you of the status when it changes. If you would like an e-mail update when it arrives, you can subscribe/follow/thingy here . A few days after its approved, the changes will reflect in on Roll20.