With the lack of many dungeon masters to player ratio, I wonder if roll20 would consider allow DM to charge for a campaign setting. Not for a module but a pay directly to the DM. Of course roll20 could take a portion of it as there margin. Anyway I guess the real question is with the mass number of players out there how many of you would actually pay a DM to run a session. Of course I am sure there are like oh if I don't like the DM or maybe I am unhappy with my character situations. However, there could be pay at your own risk or after the first session if you like the campaign or the DM then you pay for ongoing sessions. Anyways this could inspire more people to be a DM, in return creating larger network of campaigns being ran and more marketplace purchases. The DM makes money from the players, the DM purchases new stuff from the Marketplace, and pays for the monthly subscription. I see a all around win. It could be something as simple as $2.99 a session, per player, or even 3.99 per player. The reason I say pay per session is because you never know if a player is going to leave, and this gives players the option to not stay with the DM if they don't like how the game is going. Of course this is not much per game but if you think about a DM who puts full time into running campaigns, and say runs 40 hours a week in campaigns at 5 hours per campaign. Then he would be in charge of 8 different campaigns. If it was at 2.99 per player and had 8 players to each campaign session. thats $191.36 a week. If you run more then 40 hours thats on you. Of course thats a huge work load. This is merely a suggestion and I would love to see what other people think about it, including some thoughts from roll20 department. I would also like to know more about players point of view on this subject?