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Hoard of the Dragon Queen, D&D 5e, Weekly, Saturdays at Noon

Hello there, adventurers! I'm looking to run a campaign of Hoard of the Dragon Queen for D&D 5e. If it all works out, I'd like to also run Rise of Tiamat after that. The games will be weekly, on Saturdays at 12 noon CENTRAL U.S. time. That time is negotiable if everyone decides that something might work better. Currently looking for 3 more players, we already have one eldritch knight. House rules: 1. Character classes and races all from the PHB, no customs. 2. We will be using the 27 point buy out system for stats. 3. Characters will begin with the starting equipment given by class and background, no rolling for gold and buying equipment. 4. Certain checks for insight, perception, and disabling/identifying traps will be whispered to the DM (me) to maintain a level of suspense. 5. Role play is key! No metagaming, please. I will award tons of inspiration for players who embrace their characters, and/or tickle my funny bone. :) Post below if you're interested!
I would love to join assuming you have room still yet.
I would also love to join if there is still any room.
i am interested in joining the game
Also Interested if you end up needing one more
I am willing to join you. I am fine with filling any party role and always try to make interesting characters. I am currently available 9pm+ CST on all but Tues & Wed, and some Thursdays (short term).
I would be very interested in playing. I am an experienced player and DM of D&D in general and of 5e in particular ( have been running an ogoing game since Sept). The time slot and the schedule works well for me as well. Th two ideas I have for characters at the moment would be, 1) A half-elf sorcerer with the dragonic bloodline. Struggling with the disparate sides of their nature, they aspire to the calm and nobility of their elven upbringing but had to leave their home due to the trouble caused by their human impulsiveness and the rage and pyromania of the red dragon blood. 2) A wood elf rogue with a definite scout/archer slant. Having grown up with a small tribe deep in the wilds, he is now alone and out in the wider world. With his tribe gone he needs to find a new place for himself, though he finds much of "civilizattion" disgusting and corrupt. Anyway, I hope you'll take me but either way thanks for reading this.
I would like to join in if you'll have me. I have plenty of experience with RPGs offline but would like to expand my experience to online. I am very comfortable with 5e and am willing to play any role that the party needs filling.
still recruiting?