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As and Emas Avatar Retrieval

I've recently started using the /emas @{selected|character_name} function for creating NPC-specific token macros so that I can inject some life into their actions but without me having to scour through my (very long) drop-down menu of characters in the journal, which I'm using as an in-game "codex" of sorts. It works well overall and is faster than digging through to find the characters to speak as before hitting their macro buttons, but I miss having the character avatars appear, so I was wondering if it would be possible for the /emas @{selected|character_name} and /as @{selected|character_name} functions to grab the linked journal entry's avatar as well as name for the chat log entry that pops up. Thank you!
I recently started doing the same thing with token macros, so I wouldn't have to remember to constantly switch names throughout a fight. The lack of avatar is really disappointing and makes the trick much less effective, since different speakers lack visual distinction.
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